We have several jobs that won’t auto-close due to active labor transactions, but in MES we’re unable to log into the job to complete the labor. I’ve been told this is a known bug, and we’re trying to find a solution so we can close these jobs. Is there a known solution?
Currently we’re attempting to workaround this bug via an updateable dashboard. We use the LaborDtl & LaborHed tables, and we’re looking for jobs where LaborDtl.ActiveTrans == True && LaborDtl.TimeStatus == E. We then manually verify which of these jobs can’t be accessed via MES. Next we attempted to change TimeStatus from E to A and we’ve also attempted to change ActiveTrans from True to False. In some cases this closes the jobs out but not always. Please note we’re using the Labor Business Object and have tried the Update and UpdateExt methods.
We had an updatable dashboard in E9 we used for this purpose. It changed the LaborDtl.ActiveTrans flag from true to false so the record was editable in Time and Expense entry. The supervisor would then edit as needed and then Submit the record. We don’t use auto-closing, but doing the bare minimum in the dashboard to make the record editable (ActiveTrans = false) and then doing the majority of the changes including submission in T&E seemed to work for us.
I don’t have the E9 version still, but here are the update settings for the updatable BAQ behind the uplifted dashboard.
You don’t need an updateable dashboard. This can be corrected through Time and Expense Entry. You will need to pull up the date, job and the employee with active labor transaction.
I ran conversion 8920 which allowed me to change active labor to no, and that resolved the issue on most of my jobs, but two jobs still give the error “A labor detail record is either active or has not been approved.” when I attempt to open the job in Job Completion/Closing Maintenance.
Are there any other actions we can take to close these jobs(e.g. does the user need to log out, or change any other fields)?
Any ideas as to what causes this? It would sure be nice to fix the root of the issue rather than having to run time and expense report and conversion 8920 once a week.
If helpful we don’t use Epicor for payroll, and I think I heard the bug is related to people staying logged in…