Job entry - Plants - sites


I create a job in the site B. I add my material part, and my part is purchased. When I run the Generate PO Suggestion is there, but when I create my purchase order, I will need to delivery the material in the site A, for consolidated purchase cost. But when I receive the stock, I create my receipt entry on the Site A, but automatically I receive on the job on the site B. When I make the transfert order is not possible, because the system said, is not in inventory.

If possible to change the site directhly on the job ? What the best way to proceed in his case ?


first, i am assuming that the part you are adding is a “purchase direct” material… in this case, you cannot have it delivered to another plant, because the job “owns” the parts as soon as they are received.
BUT… if you added a STOCK item, then the item would be required in site B… You can create a Transfer Part relationship between site B and site A… when there is a need in B, it will create a planned transfer order from site A. If there is not enough in site A, then there will be a PO generated in site A. once that PO is received, then you would ship it from A to B, receive it, and issue to the job.