Kinetic ideas 50 idea limit frustration

Kari, That thread link doesn’t work for me. Although I feel great out here!

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Sure! Can we make all ideas exempt from 50 votes, especially the bug-fix topics (which @timshuwy has done a great job of policing)? Or X# of votes per sub-category? I think you’ll find a few of us are pretty vocal in wanting to improve Epicor and will write up improvement suggestions (uhh, just 6?) and the other 2994 are busy working in Epicor for their daily lives and won’t take the time to browse ideas, let alone vote.

Mods - Can we move a few of these replies to the Ideas thread?

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I still don’t have my on premise install going so attempted to access kinetic help from epic web gets this error. Can we turn this off?

“ Please access Epicor documentation from the Help menu in your Epicor application.”

This real aggravating!

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@karihagedorn and @TriciaSymes and all other Epicor employees who brave these waters - thank you!

In really simple terms - when a specialized users asks something like, “why is Epicor suddenly asking me to buy twice as much on 30 parts”, I really don’t have somewhere to point them to for learning, that I know will engage them and actually answer their questions, and be relevant to our current version.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Epicor Learning

Failed logic. Humans are wired to not consume all available resources. Give us 100 and I bet that number over 45 would go up substantially.


Funny thing I’ve been preserving my votes… for when you all run out so that I can still vote on some banger features :smiley: Basically “Why vote, if 20 people already voted, I shall save my votes.”


A time will come when selling my 30 votes will earn me 50,000$

if an item has over 100 votes, it does get highlighted internally… some have suggested that we are ignoring it, but just recently, an EVP at Epicor asked why we had not addressed one of the high vote getters… our answer was that “it is in the plan” but not until this fall… originally it was scheduled for last fall, but it simply got kicked down the road because it is so big, and we were not ready to execute. BUT it is in the roadmap.
SO… all that to say… lots of votes does matter… more than 20 customers does matter. Low vote counts WILL matter in the near future, as we have an internal initiative to close old, very low count ideas (even if they are good) because nobody is interested (you can always resubmit them if you want).

You’re one of many who have said so…

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Supply and Demand Mark… if I save my votes… then a vote could potentially earn me 1000$ to the highest bidder. :smiley: I have 40 left, going once, going twice… sold to @jgiese.wci for a fortune :smiley:


I think giving everyone 200 votes is good… Because you arent really stopping anyone from voting from multiple accounts… Josh for example is the SysAdmin at his company he can just create 50 fake employees, 50 mail aliases and 50 accounts then vote with all 50.

Might as well open up.

I don’t think we can honestly know this with people admitting they are hoarding votes

It seems that not a lot of votes matter too. :thinking: This is now in the product with only 41 votes when 2022.1 released.


How is that indicated to the users?

Does “Gauging Interest” mean “on the roadmap?”

Tim, I KNOW you’re our advocate for Kinetic! :clap: We really appreciate you taking the arrows in this discussion. What is lacking is transparency. We say votes matter, but DISCOVERY suggests:


Quite frankly, I don’t think Ideas should be determined by a simple vote. Some ideas are big. Some are small. Others might take a large effort. Some affect a few companies while others are broad. A simple vote just doesn’t cover that.

What is sorely lacking is a discussion. Ideas are posted. Users preserve their limited votes. But at no time has anyone ever reached out and asked, “What business problem are you trying to solve, and how can we make this idea better for the customers and Epicor?” Ideas are often half-baked and need exploration. We have NO IDEA what happens when ideas are submitted. The one-sided conversation leads to doubt if the users are being heard at all. “Give us all your ideas” but then limited with an arbitrary “collaboration” limit of 50. :sweat:

Moreover, Epicor may come up with a solution but not the one users wanted. Epicor Ideas has the possibility to engage customers, instead it has created a wall. The friction is so high that at times it hardly seems worth the effort. As people bow out, the effort will fail.

Just like the VPs (@edge @cwarticki), we want to know how this thing works too.

Again, thank you for talking to us and improving the communication between the customers and Epicor.


That’s not right… Do we now need to hire lobbyists to harvest votes to push these ideas? Pay Haso for a vote?!! Make a thread here begging for more votes? It takes time out of our day to create an idea, word it properly, lobby you guys for votes, only to delete the idea?

There are a ton of great ideas that really would improve Epicor that only have a handful of votes, if any that would be lost.

Our purchasing manager asked why the HTS code was limited to x(10) characters, when SchedB was x(12). I explained we can’t increase the out of the box field size, and we’d have to put in an IDEAS request, but this is an easy one to implement, that most folks wouldn’t bother voting for.

Edit - I created Ideas #3119, but don’t have votes left. Please push it up, guys! @hkeric.wci I’ll buy you drinks at Insights! :slight_smile:

Don’t delete them, but rather mark them ‘low priority’ or something. I’m guessing someone high up doesn’t like the optics of a lot of ideas that won’t get the resources to implement.

This is a quick way to kill user engagement, IMHO.

You’re our best advocate, and I hope folks listen to what we’re saying. Thank you for what you do.


It sure doesn’t seem like vote counts matter. Most of the highest-voted issues are NOT showing as in development. Meanwhile plenty of ideas with 1 or even 0 votes are marked in development. I agree a simple vote count is not a good strategy anyway and most ideas must have more discussion to be fleshed out.

To that end (and because I have no votes, yet endless passion for improving Epicor) I have recently been sifting through the ideas and adding comments of support and specific reasons why an idea is desired even if I can’t vote for it. I think other people should do this too even if they are also out of votes (all 5 of you?). I don’t understand hoarding votes. You can always unvote and move your vote later. USE YOUR VOTES!!!

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Can I come live on your planet? :rofl:


Sometimes, the stars line up without planning… What you are looking as “cause and effect” is not the case. We sometimes have an idea in process that we are already doing, and then someone creates an idea and you all vote for it… That is probably the case here. This idea for deep linking was something that we knew we could do and always planned on doing it. It was not the number of votes that prioritized it, but part of our plan.

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Well… we DO ask questions in the ideas… and we get answers. I am always asking questions on ideas. we dig deeper into the request many times. And yes, mistakes sometimes happen, and sometimes an idea is not fully baked, or our solution misses the mark, but we are trying to make things happen with more clarity.

ALSO… in some cases, the idea is a “no duh” idea… I had one a few weeks back where the idea came in, i looked at it and immediately promoted it to a story. the story was immediately accepted by development and 10 minutes later was a completed item, and in the next release… we don’t need to have lots of votes to promote a simple idea if it is a cheep obvious win… we could wait for it to fester and get votes, but that doesn’t accomplish anything.

What was it?

There’s not a single question in Idea 139 that we users can see. It’s a BIG, as in large, idea with lots of potential pieces, and there should be lots of questions. This idea helps gives customers the tools to maintain and upgrade their systems - even making cloud upgrades and migrations easier. Sixty-nine different people make up the current 136 votes, including @edge at last check, and we’re still gauging interest? :person_shrugging:

Anyway, this :horse: is D-E-A-D.

I apologize to all the OP’s of the threads I’ve invaded over the last two years, and to the group moderators (@josecgomez, @rbucek, @bderuvo, and @jgiese.wci) who have built a great community here with open communication.

I promise I will no longer disrupt the list with posts about the Epicor Ideas program.


Hey there, sometimes the loudest customer is your BEST customer. Why are they complaining? Because they are passionate and a bit frustrated. Those are the things Chris Wartiki oughta be looking for, this forum is a gold mine for any CX and Support Manager, Product Owner, CEO.


I don’t agree the horse is dead. Multiple people from Epicor are here explicitly saying they want to hear our feedback, and I will take them at their word.

Looking at the 10 most popular Kinetic ideas (because I don’t really care about all the other products), the top one is in development - ok but it has been for more than a year, not really clear where this is on the roadmap. The only other idea in the top 10 noted as in development is copy paste from excel, which is just a parity feature (make kinetic not be worse than classic). I don’t think its fair we have to waste votes on making kinetic not be worse than classic - that should just be a given.

None of the other 8 ideas in the top 10 have any indication of anything being done about them.

I understand there are a lot of competing development requirements and limited resources. But if the idea is to spur customer engagement and make people feel heard, this isn’t really doing it.

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