Make Direct job to job with increased quantiles on child jobs

I am looking to use the make direct (job to job) but I would like to make the component (child) jobs with a larger qty than is required at the finished good job. How do I do this? Also what happens to the extra parts, do they go into inventory (we can use them later on production jobs) but need to use the make direct link to insure the parts get picked from the correct lots to build the first article assembly. Any help would be greatly appreciated since I am new to Epicor.


Epicor jobs are pretty flexible and should allow you to accomplish waht you describe. Job quantities and demands are just targets that shouldn’t limit the qtys you can actually make or types of inventory movements you make.
If you used MRP, it should create basic jobs to satisfy current demands (e.g. sales orders). But after that you can do plenty of “fiddling” with how many you actually make and where you put/use them. I think the training guides help a lot - might want to check with your CAM if your site doesn’t already have them.

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To add some specifics,

You should have multiple “demand links” in this case. 30 to this job, 10 to stock, (25 to another job - you can go hog wild with it).

You can’t do any sort of auto-receipt in your case. You’d need to do “Job Receipt to Job” (that’s a screen) for quantity x, and then “Job Receipt to Inventory” (a different screen) for qty y.

So the “extra” parts go wherever you put them.

Perfect, this was what I was looking for. Thanks everyone for the replies!!
