Max Drop Down Value for Ultragrid Column

Hey Guys
So I have a dashboard that contains a UBAQ, and I have made one of the columns a drop down entry (using the Updatable Field Editor option). The issue I have is that I have 12 items in the drop down list, and I want to display all at once without having to scroll (I find that a lot of users don’t scroll so they are missing some of the options). I know that when its a regular Combobox I can just use the MaxDropDownItems option in the load Form event…can’t figure how to do that when its contained in a grid…any ideas?

You can do something like this. I do this in BeforeCellActivate - where I build my dynamic ValueList - so it might need to be adjusted for what you are doing.

((Infragistics.Win.ValueList)(args.Cell.ValueList)).MaxDropDownItems = 999;
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Hey Dan,

So to go this route I would have to be using an EpiUltraCombo to be populating a Dynamic list? Right now the drop down values are being populated in the updateable BAQ…do I add the code in at the BAQ level? or is this code added to a customization to the dashboard?