New Company Currency DMT error - conversion rules and rate types?

I’m setting up a new company from scratch in our test environment from BAQ exports out of our PILOT environment.

I’m getting a Currency cannot be active unless all Conversion Rules are defined on active Rate Type(s) error when DMT’ing the Currency table. What did I forget to do? I’m not a finance guy, so conversion rules and rate types are new to me.

2019-05-10T16:49:42 Company REDACTED CurrencyCode USD Table: Msg: Currency cannot be active unless all Conversion Rules are defined on active Rate Type(s).

Here’s the input csv:

Company CurrencyCode CurrDesc CurrSymbol DocumentDesc Note CurrName CurrencyID DecimalsGeneral Inactive DecimalsPrice MaintRate DecimalsCost BaseCurr RoundMltpUnitPrice RoundMltpUnitTax RoundMltpExtPrice RoundMltpExtTax RoundMltpTotalAmt GlobalCurr RoundMltpTotalTax GlobalLock RoundRuleUnitPrice ScaleFactor RoundRuleUnitTax CountryNum RoundRuleExtPrice ReportCurrPos RoundRuleExtTax RoundRuleTotalAmt RoundRuleTotalTax RoundTolerance ISONumber StoreID RoundMltpAnnualCharge RoundMltpPeriodCharge RoundRuleAnnualCharge RoundRulePeriodCharge AGAFIPCode ISOCurrCode EntityGLC#RelatedToFile EntityGLC#Key1 EntityGLC#GLControlType EntityGLC#GLControlCode
REDACTED USD USD USD USD USD 2 FALSE 5 TRUE 5 TRUE 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thanks for the help!

I’ve never done it through the DMT, but you’ll need to define your conversion rules in Rate Type Maintenance and Exchange Rate Entry.

I know on the UI you have to mark the Currency as “Inactive” so it stops nagging you with errors, then set it up and then mark it as “Active”. So Perhaps you have to set it as Inactive in DMT Add and then run another Update to mark it as Active?

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@hmwillett - I did a menu search for “Rate” and nothing appeared. We don’t own the Multicurrency Management module. Maybe this is something that can be ignored?

@hkeric.wci - Thanks. If our testing fails the way it is, I’ll try to inactivate and activate it, and see if something changes. It looks like the DMT did import the rate when I look in Currency Master Maintenance.


Thanks guys!