New Piece of Paper Icon Destroys customization

We have a screen customization on the Customer Part Cross Reference screen. When we click the new paper icon, the screen customization looks like it’s overlaying on the original fields, like the base and our customization are both active at once.
See video of the problem.
cust-part-cross-ref-new-record-error.mp4 (619.4 KB)

Does anyone know why the new record creation icon would cause such a problem. I think I’ve seen this on other screens too.

Did you hide all of that stuff in your customization? In the base form, is all of that disabled until you get a new record? There is probably code that enables those fields when there is a new record. Your customization will get overridden by that code. Generally, I’ve heard you should move those fields off the viewable area (and make the tab stops are set to false). I don’t know if that is supposed to be the official way to do it however.

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If I’m “removing” native fields, I usually set the size to 0,0 and the location to 0,0.
If something like OP’s video happens, then they’re too small and out of sight to make any difference.

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Is that going to cause future problems with over lapping controls? @hkeric.wci you’ve experienced problems with this in more recent versions right?

@Banderson was correct. The original fields were there but just visibility was set to false. I disabled them, moved them off the screen and then set tab stop to false.

Now when I click new paper icon, they are not there.

Probably your custom is modifying things and selecting things (dataviews, etc) but not alerting the form to your changes.