Most of our users run E10 locally on their machines. We have a handful of remote users that RDP into a server and run E10 there.
For our “local” users, they can open a form, click a dropdown on the form and make a selection, then use their mouse scroll wheel to move the entire form up or down.
For our remote users, when they open a form, click a dropdown on the form and make a selection, the “focus” stays on the dropdown box. When they use the scroll wheel on their mouse, instead of scrolling up or down the form, the selection box itself scrolls through the available values in the dropdown. The only way they can scroll the page is using their mouse to click the scrollbar on the side of the form.
The oddest part about this is that in E9 (which we recently migrated from), the behavior was the same regardless of Epicor being ran locally or remotely. The scroll wheel on the mouse moved the entire form. The focus did not stay on the dropdown box.
Anyone know if this is configurable anywhere? Our users would like the same behavior we had in E9.