Add a Dashboard (or Updateable Dashboard) to an Entry Screen
Tim Berryman
This example use the Sales Order Entry form.
1. Create your dashboard and if required deploy your updateable dashboard
2. Activate
developer mode
3. Start the form that you will be adding the new dashboard to e.g. Order Entry
4. Choose a customisation to add the dashboard to or opt for Base for the basic Epicor form
5. When the screen has loaded > Tools > Customization
6. Locate the area of the screen where you want the new dashboard to be added
a. To add a
dashboard at the same level as Summary, Header, Lines. Select a field on one of
these screens.
E.g. select the Sales Order button.
This button is located on the Summary sheet which is attached to the sheetTopLevelPanel1 which is where the dashboard will be attached.
7. Create the sheet for the dashboard
a. Go to the Wizards > Sheet Wizard tab
b. New Custom Sheet
c. Select the level to which the
dashboard will be attached (e.g. 'sheetTopLevelPanel1')
Enter the details:Name: (no
spaces are allowed in the name)
Tab Text:
d. Click 'Add
i. For a read only dashboard
follow step 8.
ii. For an updateable dashboard
follow step 9.
8. Add a read
only dashboard
a. Select Dashboard
Panel > Search for and select the dashboard to add > Next
b. Go to Step 10.
9. Add an
updateable dashboard
a. Select
AppBuilder Panel > Search for and select the dashboard to add (The
updateable dashboard may need to be deployed to a menu item for this to work)
> Next
10. Choose the
type of dashboard
a. Subscribe
to UI data (auto Retrieve on publication)
This type of dashboard is best
for small amounts of data
Example: retrieving data in a
dashboard that only looks at a limited number of records e.g. order lines. When
you open the dashboard tab the data will auto-retrieve.
b. Subscribe
to UI data (include Retrieve button)
Best for potentially large
amounts of data or where you want to add additional search criteria.
Example: a
dashboard against a customer retrieving all order line records
Required to click the retrieve
button before data is fetched.
11. Select the
DataView (table) to apply the dashboard filter against.
E.g. OrderHed
12. Select the
DataColumn (Field) to apply the dashboard filter against.
E.g. OrderNum
13. Click 'Add... and ok
14. Now click the Blue right arrow to add the sheet to the screen
15. Save the Customisation
16. Close the Customisation Tools Dialog
17. Test the new dashboard (note. For the functionality to work correctly you may need to close the screen and reload the customisation)
18. Add the Screen Customisation to the Epicor Menu and deploy to users
Released: June 13, 2013, 4:40 am