Thanks to Sarah for the quick response.
-----Original Message-----
From: sarah.vareschi@... [mailto:sarah.vareschi@...]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] OT Vantage on Citrix
Review these Epicor documents below to verify your set-up:
Page: 490MPS
Summary: XA400 How to cfg Vantage clients for Terminal Server & Meta
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
Configuring Vantage clients over Terminal Server & Metaframe
Steps required to setup Vantage on Terminal Server.
1). Installing Vantage through client setup
2). Setting up a mapped drive to Vantage share for all users
3). Creating individual working folder for all users
4). Creating connections for a Vantage session
5). Creating connections for Report Builder or the Training Vantage database
Step 1: How do I install Vantage on the Terminal Server?
For performance reasons, you should not try and load the Vantage Program
files and database on a computer with Terminal Server. The Vantage database
and Terminal Server should be on their own separate To install the Vantage
client files on the Terminal Server, you should run the client setup the
same as you would on a normal workstation with one exception: the client
setup should be run through the add\remove programs applet. For the initial
setup, specify the working folder the normal Vantage workstation clients use
on their "C" drive, i.e. c:\vntgwork (see additional note below if you have
Metaframe installed). Additionally, the Progress share should be installed
when running the client setup, and be sure to check the box to "set as
default for all users" (this means that all users will have access to the
vantage files). The same mapped drive should be used which the normal
Vantage client workstations use. Read step two for instructions on setting
up mapped drives for multiple users.
All programs installed on Terminal Server should be installed through the
add\remove programs applet. This is because Terminal Server works
differently from standard NT server in the way that it shares program files
and registry settings between users. If the client setup is not run through
the add\remove programs applet, or if "set as default for all users" is not
set, you may experience problems when users, other than an administrator and
the user which did the original install, attempt to run a Vantage session.
!!**NOTE**!! For Metaframe users: If you have Metaframe installed, remapped
the hard drive letters and no longer have a "C" drive on the Terminal
Server, you will need to specify an different hard drive letter during the
initial client setup using the default working folder, i.e. m:\vntgwork. You
will then have to rerun a client setup on a normal Vantage client
workstation and point the working folder back to the "C" drive in order to
rewrite the correct path into Vantage information files. IF A CLIENT SETUP
IS NOT RERUN on a Vantage workstation client, subsequent attempts to log
into vantage will result in an error such as "could not find m:\vntgwork".
Vantage Technical Support can provide further clarification on this point.
Consult Microsoft for further information on installing programs in general
on Windows NT Server, Terminal Server edition.
Step 2: How do I setup mapped drives and printers for Vantage users on the
Terminal Server?
On the Terminal Server, the same mapped drive letter should be used which
the normal Vantage client workstations use to connect to the Vantage share.
If you do not have Metaframe installed on the server, the easiest way to
setup a mapped drive or printer is through a login script. If you do not
have to setup many users, you may simply log into the Terminal Server with
the user's NT account and configure their mapped drive and printers as you
would on a normal workstation; their settings will be saved under their user
profile on the Terminal Server. If you have Metaframe installed, an option
in the NT user accounts (User Manager for Domains on the Terminal Server)
under the "config" button allows you to automatically map the client drives
and printers from the users workstation. Consult Microsoft or Citrix for
further questions on how to configure mapped drives and printers for
Terminal Server users.
Step 3: How do I configure the separate working folders for each Vantage
In order for Vantage session to run correctly each client which needs its
own separate working folder. The following is the process for creating
separate folders for the Terminal Server clients. The first thing that needs
to be created is a shared folder named "users" on a hard drive on the
Terminal Serve; NT security on the share should be set to full control for
everyone. Under the users folder a folder needs to created for each Terminal
Server client which corresponds to their NT user name, i.e. users\jdoe.
Finally create a Vantage work folder under each of the NT account folders,
i.e. users\jdoe\vntgwork. For ease of configuration you should use the same
name which is used on the normal Vantage client workstations. It is a good
idea to have adequate space on the drive where the users folder is located.
Although most users will use negligible hard drive space for their vntgwork
folders, certain reports such as the GL report and Time Phase report can
generate considerably large temp files which are dumped to the working
Step 4: How do I configure a connection to start a Vantage session?
There are two different types of connections you can configure for a Vantage
session on Terminal Server. 1) Create an icon for Vantage on the Terminal
Server desktop, 2) Publish Vantage as an application through Citrix
1)If you do not have Metaframe installed on the Terminal Server, you need to
create an icon on the Terminal Server desktop. To do this right click on the
Terminal Server desktop and choose NEW -> SHORTCUT. You will be prompted for
a Command Line. Enter in the following command line to run a 4.00 Vantage
session. The letter "v" stands for the mapped drive letter used to connect
to Vantage share.
v:\progress\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vantage\db\vantage.db -ininame
v:\vantage\vantage.ini -pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vantage -H
server_name -p mainmenu.w
After entering in the command line hit NEXT, select a name for the shortcut
and hit FINISH. You should see the new shortcut displayed on the desktop.
Right click on the shortcut, select PROPERTIES, and the SHORTCUT tab. The
start in line needs to be configured as the working directory. Enter the
following syntax: c:\users\%username%\vntgwork., where "C" is the drive
where the users folder is located and "vntgwork" is the designated working
folder. The variable %username% is an NT variable which will grab the NT
user name of the user who is currently logged in. To make this shortcut
available to all users, copy the shortcut, right click on the start button,
choose "explore all users" and paste the shortcut into the "all users" ->
"desktop" folder.
2)If you are running Citrix Metaframe over Terminal Server you may want to
publish Vantage as an application. Use Metaframe's Published Application
Manager to publish Vantage as a new application.
For the command line, enter: v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\vantage.vtg.
In the working directory specify the path to the working folder, i.e.
Metaframe will use the path specified in the working directory path, not the
TempDirectory in the vantage.vtg file; therefore, the creation of a second
vantage.vtg IS NOT necessary. A sample of how publish an application through
the Published Application Manager is provided below, any further questions
on the use of this utlitity should be directed to Citrix.
The following steps REQUIRE the use of Citrix MetaFrame version 1.8 or
1) Log into Terminal Server as Administrator.
2) Go to Start -> Programs -> MetaFrame Tools (common) -> Application
3) Under the Application menu choose New.
Screen A) Choose a name and description for the application you want to
Screen B) Choose Explicit for login type.
Screen C) Specify the Command Line and Working Directory (see above
Screen D) Specify Window Properties: Check Maximize Application at Startup.
Screen E) Specify Program Neighborhood Properties: Vantage requires 800x600
screen size, 16 bit color may be used.
Screen F) Specify Neighborhood Administrative Features
Screen G) Configure Groups and Users: choose a Domain User group which
contains the Vantage users.
Screen H) Specify which Terminal Server machines will publish the
Screen I) Click Finish. The specified application is now published. You can
use the Citrix Remote Application Manager at the workstations to point your
users to the published application you have just created.
Step 5: What if I want to connect to the Vantage training database, or
report builder through a Terminal Server connection?
Below are the command lines you would need to enter for other Vantage
Training database for 4.00
v:\progress\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vntgtrn\db\vantage.db -ininame
v:\vantage\vantage.ini -pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vntgtrain -H
server_name -p mainmenu.w
Report Builder for 4.00
v:\progress\bin\prorb32.exe v:\vantage\db\vantage.db -pf
v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vantage -H server_name
How do I connect to the Vantage training database or report builder through
a published application with Metaframe?
Enter the following lines into the command line for the published
Training database
v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\training vantage.vtg
Report Builder
v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\report builder.vtg
Further information can be found on Microsoft's Terminal Server page:
or Citrix's website
Page: 578MPS
Summary: XA Vantage.exe Splash Screen / Terminal Server
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
Doug Williams requested that this problem be reported for inclusion into the
Cairo release.
Background: A typical LAN Vantage client requires a unique temporary
directory where Progress temporary files .LBI, .SRT .... can be written. In
most cases this temp directory is located on the client workstation's C
drive. (C:\VNTGWORK). Using a common temp directory located on a shared
network drive for all clients results in problems for clients and for that
reason is avoided.
However, in a Terminal Server environment, the client uses the Terminal
Server drive as if it were its local C: drive. This creates a problem
because terminal servers that reference C:\VNTGWORK as their TempDirectory
will all use the same working directory which results in problems for the
reason mentioned above.
For Vantage 3.0 the solution for terminal server clients was to not use the
Vantage.vtg file. Instead a shortcut icon is created that includes the call
to PROWIN32.EXE will all the required parameters to connect to the database
and start a Vantage session. Additionally a -T C:\%UserName%\Vntgwork is
added to the icon properties. This substitues the Users Name into the temp
directory path for Progress. On the terminal server the admistrator creates
a folder for each Vatange user name. So when BOB starts a Vantage session
his temp files are written to C:\Bob\Vntgwork.
Now in Vantage 4.0, this works ok for a regular Vantage session but not for
a DataCollection session, since the DataCollectionUser= entry from the .vtg
file is only understood by the Vantage.exe splash screen program and can't
be passed on an icon shortcut command line.
Also the Vantage.exe executable interprets the %username% variable as a
literal, not as its variable value.
The change would be to change the Vantage.exe splash screen program to be
able to interpret the %username% variable, which would allow terminal server
clients to use a .vtg file rather than a manually created icon.
Please see Doug WiIliams for addtional clarification as we have discussed
this change.
sent e-mail to L-Development-Vantage Mgmt
SCR 172
The install scripts need to allow for user-specific temp directories.
Page: 340.866MPS
Summary: XA WAN/Terminal Server Recommendations
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
*** Page ID: 340.866
*** Status: Closed Reviewed
*** Created On: Jun 10 1999
*** Changed On: Jun 11 1999
*** Added By: Timm Ideker
*** Product: VANTAGE
What WAN settings does Vantage Support Recommend for Vantage 3.0?
What is Terminal Server and do I need it?
The only way to achieve normal LAN performance over a Wide Area Network
(WAN) is to use some sort of terminal emulation software like Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition. This is a software package that
minimizes the amount of bandwidth required to run a Windows application. All
that transmits between the client and the server is mouse clicks, key
strokes, and screen updates.
Without MS Terminal Server, Epicor cannot guarantee or support performance
over a modem, an ISDN line, even a full a T1 line. The best thin/client
software on the market for running 32-bit Windows applications like Vantage
is Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server. This is a version of Windows NT
Server, with the additive feature to allow terminal emulation. According to
Microsoft the bandwidth required to run any Terminal Server compatible
application over the WAN goes from XXX KBps (Kilo-bytes per second
throughput) down to about 30 KBps per client. With this rule of thumb it is
easy to scale the WAN solution you will need to implement Terminal Server
for your unique environment.
WAN Scaling Suggestions:
Up to 2 users per 56K modem line
Up to 2 users per ISDN channel
Up to 2 users per channel in a fractional T1
Up to 48+ users in a Full Channel T1 / Frame Relay (w/ 1.54 MBps bandwidth)
Epicor recommends purchasing an additional product for MS Terminal Server
called Citrix MetaFrame. This piece of software is NOT required but is
recommended for the additive features it provides. MetaFrame is a 'bolt on'
product made by a
company called Citrix used by MS Terminal Server to allow you easier
administration of your network, better administration tools, web enabling
tools (these would allow you to access Vantage over the Internet), and
server load-balancing.
Based on the specifcations for hardware provided from Microsoft we make the
following suggestions for purchasing servers.
Scaling Server:
Processors: 12-18 users per processor (greater than 200 MHz)
12 heavy users (8 hour days of data entry, full access)
18 light users (minimal queries, light-duty, Data Collection)
Memory (RAM): 12-24 MB RAM per user
24 MB per heavy users (8 hour days of data entry, full access)
12 MB per light users (minimal queries, light-duty, Data Collection)
Disk Space: Less than 10 MB of disk space for users home directories.
Tips and tricks for Terminal Server:
1) Performance tip: You should NOT use the Terminal Server machine as the
source for your 'primary' home directories (ie: CAD files, Excel, and Word
files). Less disk activity generated from file access the faster response
you can expect from Terminal Server.
2) Memory configuration tip: What is a paging file? A paging file is a
allocated space on your hard drive that the operating system uses as
'virtual' memory in the case it has used all the physical RAM allocated. Way
to check/set this. Start -> Setting -> Control Panel -> System. MS Windows
NT 4.0 usually sets the size of the paging file to Physical Ram (ie. 128 MB
RAM) plus the value of 12. This would set your paging file value to 140 MB
in the above example. Terminal Server, however, due to the client-server
architecture does excessive paging. Therefore the rule with configuring the
paging file under Terminal Server is 2.5 times Physical RAM. In the above
example you would set the paging file value to 320 MB RAM.
3) Installation tip: Treat the Terminal Server machine as 'just another
workstation' on the network. Install the machine the same way as any other
- Map the Terminal Server machine (through Network Neighborhood) to the DWC
folder on the Vantage server.
- Execute the X:\Vantage\ClientSetup.EXE and follow the defaults.
- DO check the box to install the Progress Client Software (the third screen
of the above setup)
4) Vantage requires a seperate directory (the default c:\vntgwork directory
on LAN machines) for each user for file swapping. Each Vantage user must
have their own directory for this purpose. The problem is in a Terminal
Server environment users do not have local hard drives for this directory.
You can make this work by one of two methods.
A) Publish the application using Citrix MetaFrame using the Application
Configuration program. You would publish the application with the following
command line, create one long command line string with the following
Command Line:
v:\dlc\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vantage\db\dcdv7.db -ininame
(continued . . .)
-pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vntgserv -H server_name -p mainmenu.w
Working Directory:
Page: 191MPS
Summary: XA Dr Watson Errors Performance Sluggish on Terminal Server
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
I use Terminal Server and am encountering Dr. Watson errors and sluggish
There are a couple of major issues with Terminal Server and Citrix Metaframe
which can cause problems:
1)The Terminal Server Service Pack 4 copies an older version of the
mfc42.dll (and mfc40.dll?) which is one of the main dll's used in any
windows operating system. The easiest solution is to install IE5 to update
this dll to the previous version. The dll cannot just be copied into the
operating system since it is constantly in use by windows. The version of
mfc42.dll (as of 9-1-99) should be 6.00.8267.
2)Loading Metaframe onto Terminal Server sometimes can cause two processes
to hog all of the processor time. If performance is extremely sluggish after
loading metaframe check the following processes in task manager:
- lserver.exe
- services.exe
These two processes can take up almost 100% of the cpu time.
To alleviate the high CPU usage, you should download and install
ME100007.EXE, which is a patch provided by Citrix.
It can be found at:
Information for this document was provided by doc. Q201865 of the MS Technet
Knowledge Base.
Page: 179MPS
Summary: XA Error Printing After Loading Terminal Server SP4
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
After loading service pack 4, for Terminal server, clients get errors when
printing crystal reports.
This problem is caused by an old .DLL file that is copied to the
wtsrv\system32 directory. This file causes errors in Vantage when printing
Crystal Reports. You may also experience errors with other windows programs
due to this file.
The main .DLL file that is causing this problem is the MFC42.DLL, a heavily
utilized dll in any windows operating system. The MFC40.DLL may also be
reverted to an older version.
NOTE: This solution assumes you are on the latest patch releases for Vantage
3.00, which contains the updated versions of the problem DLL's. Check the
versions of the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL files in the wtsrv\system32
directory. Compare them against the version found in the Vantage\dll folder
on the mapped drive to Vantage. If the version of the two dll's on Terminal
Server are older than in the Vantage\dll folder, you will need to copy them
into the wtsrv\system32 folder.
To do this, you will need to first get everyone out of their sessions on
Terminal Server so they are no longer using the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL
files when you perform the copy and replace.
1. In Terminal Server, go into Administrative tools -> Server manager.
2. Open the icon with the name of your Terminal server.
3. Click on the "In Use" button, and choose to close all resources.
NOTE: This will close any applications or connections on your Terminal
4. Copy the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL from the Vantage\dll folder into the
wtsrv\system32 folder on your terminal server.
5. Restart the Terminal Server and verify that you have the latest versions,
and that there are no duplicates of older versions in your wtsrv\system32
folder. You should now be able to print crystal reports in Vantage.
Version: 3.00
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
-----Original Message-----
From: sarah.vareschi@... [mailto:sarah.vareschi@...]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] OT Vantage on Citrix
Review these Epicor documents below to verify your set-up:
Page: 490MPS
Summary: XA400 How to cfg Vantage clients for Terminal Server & Meta
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
Configuring Vantage clients over Terminal Server & Metaframe
Steps required to setup Vantage on Terminal Server.
1). Installing Vantage through client setup
2). Setting up a mapped drive to Vantage share for all users
3). Creating individual working folder for all users
4). Creating connections for a Vantage session
5). Creating connections for Report Builder or the Training Vantage database
Step 1: How do I install Vantage on the Terminal Server?
For performance reasons, you should not try and load the Vantage Program
files and database on a computer with Terminal Server. The Vantage database
and Terminal Server should be on their own separate To install the Vantage
client files on the Terminal Server, you should run the client setup the
same as you would on a normal workstation with one exception: the client
setup should be run through the add\remove programs applet. For the initial
setup, specify the working folder the normal Vantage workstation clients use
on their "C" drive, i.e. c:\vntgwork (see additional note below if you have
Metaframe installed). Additionally, the Progress share should be installed
when running the client setup, and be sure to check the box to "set as
default for all users" (this means that all users will have access to the
vantage files). The same mapped drive should be used which the normal
Vantage client workstations use. Read step two for instructions on setting
up mapped drives for multiple users.
All programs installed on Terminal Server should be installed through the
add\remove programs applet. This is because Terminal Server works
differently from standard NT server in the way that it shares program files
and registry settings between users. If the client setup is not run through
the add\remove programs applet, or if "set as default for all users" is not
set, you may experience problems when users, other than an administrator and
the user which did the original install, attempt to run a Vantage session.
!!**NOTE**!! For Metaframe users: If you have Metaframe installed, remapped
the hard drive letters and no longer have a "C" drive on the Terminal
Server, you will need to specify an different hard drive letter during the
initial client setup using the default working folder, i.e. m:\vntgwork. You
will then have to rerun a client setup on a normal Vantage client
workstation and point the working folder back to the "C" drive in order to
rewrite the correct path into Vantage information files. IF A CLIENT SETUP
IS NOT RERUN on a Vantage workstation client, subsequent attempts to log
into vantage will result in an error such as "could not find m:\vntgwork".
Vantage Technical Support can provide further clarification on this point.
Consult Microsoft for further information on installing programs in general
on Windows NT Server, Terminal Server edition.
Step 2: How do I setup mapped drives and printers for Vantage users on the
Terminal Server?
On the Terminal Server, the same mapped drive letter should be used which
the normal Vantage client workstations use to connect to the Vantage share.
If you do not have Metaframe installed on the server, the easiest way to
setup a mapped drive or printer is through a login script. If you do not
have to setup many users, you may simply log into the Terminal Server with
the user's NT account and configure their mapped drive and printers as you
would on a normal workstation; their settings will be saved under their user
profile on the Terminal Server. If you have Metaframe installed, an option
in the NT user accounts (User Manager for Domains on the Terminal Server)
under the "config" button allows you to automatically map the client drives
and printers from the users workstation. Consult Microsoft or Citrix for
further questions on how to configure mapped drives and printers for
Terminal Server users.
Step 3: How do I configure the separate working folders for each Vantage
In order for Vantage session to run correctly each client which needs its
own separate working folder. The following is the process for creating
separate folders for the Terminal Server clients. The first thing that needs
to be created is a shared folder named "users" on a hard drive on the
Terminal Serve; NT security on the share should be set to full control for
everyone. Under the users folder a folder needs to created for each Terminal
Server client which corresponds to their NT user name, i.e. users\jdoe.
Finally create a Vantage work folder under each of the NT account folders,
i.e. users\jdoe\vntgwork. For ease of configuration you should use the same
name which is used on the normal Vantage client workstations. It is a good
idea to have adequate space on the drive where the users folder is located.
Although most users will use negligible hard drive space for their vntgwork
folders, certain reports such as the GL report and Time Phase report can
generate considerably large temp files which are dumped to the working
Step 4: How do I configure a connection to start a Vantage session?
There are two different types of connections you can configure for a Vantage
session on Terminal Server. 1) Create an icon for Vantage on the Terminal
Server desktop, 2) Publish Vantage as an application through Citrix
1)If you do not have Metaframe installed on the Terminal Server, you need to
create an icon on the Terminal Server desktop. To do this right click on the
Terminal Server desktop and choose NEW -> SHORTCUT. You will be prompted for
a Command Line. Enter in the following command line to run a 4.00 Vantage
session. The letter "v" stands for the mapped drive letter used to connect
to Vantage share.
v:\progress\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vantage\db\vantage.db -ininame
v:\vantage\vantage.ini -pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vantage -H
server_name -p mainmenu.w
After entering in the command line hit NEXT, select a name for the shortcut
and hit FINISH. You should see the new shortcut displayed on the desktop.
Right click on the shortcut, select PROPERTIES, and the SHORTCUT tab. The
start in line needs to be configured as the working directory. Enter the
following syntax: c:\users\%username%\vntgwork., where "C" is the drive
where the users folder is located and "vntgwork" is the designated working
folder. The variable %username% is an NT variable which will grab the NT
user name of the user who is currently logged in. To make this shortcut
available to all users, copy the shortcut, right click on the start button,
choose "explore all users" and paste the shortcut into the "all users" ->
"desktop" folder.
2)If you are running Citrix Metaframe over Terminal Server you may want to
publish Vantage as an application. Use Metaframe's Published Application
Manager to publish Vantage as a new application.
For the command line, enter: v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\vantage.vtg.
In the working directory specify the path to the working folder, i.e.
Metaframe will use the path specified in the working directory path, not the
TempDirectory in the vantage.vtg file; therefore, the creation of a second
vantage.vtg IS NOT necessary. A sample of how publish an application through
the Published Application Manager is provided below, any further questions
on the use of this utlitity should be directed to Citrix.
The following steps REQUIRE the use of Citrix MetaFrame version 1.8 or
1) Log into Terminal Server as Administrator.
2) Go to Start -> Programs -> MetaFrame Tools (common) -> Application
3) Under the Application menu choose New.
Screen A) Choose a name and description for the application you want to
Screen B) Choose Explicit for login type.
Screen C) Specify the Command Line and Working Directory (see above
Screen D) Specify Window Properties: Check Maximize Application at Startup.
Screen E) Specify Program Neighborhood Properties: Vantage requires 800x600
screen size, 16 bit color may be used.
Screen F) Specify Neighborhood Administrative Features
Screen G) Configure Groups and Users: choose a Domain User group which
contains the Vantage users.
Screen H) Specify which Terminal Server machines will publish the
Screen I) Click Finish. The specified application is now published. You can
use the Citrix Remote Application Manager at the workstations to point your
users to the published application you have just created.
Step 5: What if I want to connect to the Vantage training database, or
report builder through a Terminal Server connection?
Below are the command lines you would need to enter for other Vantage
Training database for 4.00
v:\progress\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vntgtrn\db\vantage.db -ininame
v:\vantage\vantage.ini -pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vntgtrain -H
server_name -p mainmenu.w
Report Builder for 4.00
v:\progress\bin\prorb32.exe v:\vantage\db\vantage.db -pf
v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vantage -H server_name
How do I connect to the Vantage training database or report builder through
a published application with Metaframe?
Enter the following lines into the command line for the published
Training database
v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\training vantage.vtg
Report Builder
v:\vantage\vantage.exe v:\vantage\report builder.vtg
Further information can be found on Microsoft's Terminal Server page:
or Citrix's website
Page: 578MPS
Summary: XA Vantage.exe Splash Screen / Terminal Server
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
Doug Williams requested that this problem be reported for inclusion into the
Cairo release.
Background: A typical LAN Vantage client requires a unique temporary
directory where Progress temporary files .LBI, .SRT .... can be written. In
most cases this temp directory is located on the client workstation's C
drive. (C:\VNTGWORK). Using a common temp directory located on a shared
network drive for all clients results in problems for clients and for that
reason is avoided.
However, in a Terminal Server environment, the client uses the Terminal
Server drive as if it were its local C: drive. This creates a problem
because terminal servers that reference C:\VNTGWORK as their TempDirectory
will all use the same working directory which results in problems for the
reason mentioned above.
For Vantage 3.0 the solution for terminal server clients was to not use the
Vantage.vtg file. Instead a shortcut icon is created that includes the call
to PROWIN32.EXE will all the required parameters to connect to the database
and start a Vantage session. Additionally a -T C:\%UserName%\Vntgwork is
added to the icon properties. This substitues the Users Name into the temp
directory path for Progress. On the terminal server the admistrator creates
a folder for each Vatange user name. So when BOB starts a Vantage session
his temp files are written to C:\Bob\Vntgwork.
Now in Vantage 4.0, this works ok for a regular Vantage session but not for
a DataCollection session, since the DataCollectionUser= entry from the .vtg
file is only understood by the Vantage.exe splash screen program and can't
be passed on an icon shortcut command line.
Also the Vantage.exe executable interprets the %username% variable as a
literal, not as its variable value.
The change would be to change the Vantage.exe splash screen program to be
able to interpret the %username% variable, which would allow terminal server
clients to use a .vtg file rather than a manually created icon.
Please see Doug WiIliams for addtional clarification as we have discussed
this change.
sent e-mail to L-Development-Vantage Mgmt
SCR 172
The install scripts need to allow for user-specific temp directories.
Page: 340.866MPS
Summary: XA WAN/Terminal Server Recommendations
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
*** Page ID: 340.866
*** Status: Closed Reviewed
*** Created On: Jun 10 1999
*** Changed On: Jun 11 1999
*** Added By: Timm Ideker
*** Product: VANTAGE
What WAN settings does Vantage Support Recommend for Vantage 3.0?
What is Terminal Server and do I need it?
The only way to achieve normal LAN performance over a Wide Area Network
(WAN) is to use some sort of terminal emulation software like Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition. This is a software package that
minimizes the amount of bandwidth required to run a Windows application. All
that transmits between the client and the server is mouse clicks, key
strokes, and screen updates.
Without MS Terminal Server, Epicor cannot guarantee or support performance
over a modem, an ISDN line, even a full a T1 line. The best thin/client
software on the market for running 32-bit Windows applications like Vantage
is Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server. This is a version of Windows NT
Server, with the additive feature to allow terminal emulation. According to
Microsoft the bandwidth required to run any Terminal Server compatible
application over the WAN goes from XXX KBps (Kilo-bytes per second
throughput) down to about 30 KBps per client. With this rule of thumb it is
easy to scale the WAN solution you will need to implement Terminal Server
for your unique environment.
WAN Scaling Suggestions:
Up to 2 users per 56K modem line
Up to 2 users per ISDN channel
Up to 2 users per channel in a fractional T1
Up to 48+ users in a Full Channel T1 / Frame Relay (w/ 1.54 MBps bandwidth)
Epicor recommends purchasing an additional product for MS Terminal Server
called Citrix MetaFrame. This piece of software is NOT required but is
recommended for the additive features it provides. MetaFrame is a 'bolt on'
product made by a
company called Citrix used by MS Terminal Server to allow you easier
administration of your network, better administration tools, web enabling
tools (these would allow you to access Vantage over the Internet), and
server load-balancing.
Based on the specifcations for hardware provided from Microsoft we make the
following suggestions for purchasing servers.
Scaling Server:
Processors: 12-18 users per processor (greater than 200 MHz)
12 heavy users (8 hour days of data entry, full access)
18 light users (minimal queries, light-duty, Data Collection)
Memory (RAM): 12-24 MB RAM per user
24 MB per heavy users (8 hour days of data entry, full access)
12 MB per light users (minimal queries, light-duty, Data Collection)
Disk Space: Less than 10 MB of disk space for users home directories.
Tips and tricks for Terminal Server:
1) Performance tip: You should NOT use the Terminal Server machine as the
source for your 'primary' home directories (ie: CAD files, Excel, and Word
files). Less disk activity generated from file access the faster response
you can expect from Terminal Server.
2) Memory configuration tip: What is a paging file? A paging file is a
allocated space on your hard drive that the operating system uses as
'virtual' memory in the case it has used all the physical RAM allocated. Way
to check/set this. Start -> Setting -> Control Panel -> System. MS Windows
NT 4.0 usually sets the size of the paging file to Physical Ram (ie. 128 MB
RAM) plus the value of 12. This would set your paging file value to 140 MB
in the above example. Terminal Server, however, due to the client-server
architecture does excessive paging. Therefore the rule with configuring the
paging file under Terminal Server is 2.5 times Physical RAM. In the above
example you would set the paging file value to 320 MB RAM.
3) Installation tip: Treat the Terminal Server machine as 'just another
workstation' on the network. Install the machine the same way as any other
- Map the Terminal Server machine (through Network Neighborhood) to the DWC
folder on the Vantage server.
- Execute the X:\Vantage\ClientSetup.EXE and follow the defaults.
- DO check the box to install the Progress Client Software (the third screen
of the above setup)
4) Vantage requires a seperate directory (the default c:\vntgwork directory
on LAN machines) for each user for file swapping. Each Vantage user must
have their own directory for this purpose. The problem is in a Terminal
Server environment users do not have local hard drives for this directory.
You can make this work by one of two methods.
A) Publish the application using Citrix MetaFrame using the Application
Configuration program. You would publish the application with the following
command line, create one long command line string with the following
Command Line:
v:\dlc\bin\prowin32.exe v:\vantage\db\dcdv7.db -ininame
(continued . . .)
-pf v:\vantage\db\ -N TCP -S vntgserv -H server_name -p mainmenu.w
Working Directory:
Page: 191MPS
Summary: XA Dr Watson Errors Performance Sluggish on Terminal Server
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
I use Terminal Server and am encountering Dr. Watson errors and sluggish
There are a couple of major issues with Terminal Server and Citrix Metaframe
which can cause problems:
1)The Terminal Server Service Pack 4 copies an older version of the
mfc42.dll (and mfc40.dll?) which is one of the main dll's used in any
windows operating system. The easiest solution is to install IE5 to update
this dll to the previous version. The dll cannot just be copied into the
operating system since it is constantly in use by windows. The version of
mfc42.dll (as of 9-1-99) should be 6.00.8267.
2)Loading Metaframe onto Terminal Server sometimes can cause two processes
to hog all of the processor time. If performance is extremely sluggish after
loading metaframe check the following processes in task manager:
- lserver.exe
- services.exe
These two processes can take up almost 100% of the cpu time.
To alleviate the high CPU usage, you should download and install
ME100007.EXE, which is a patch provided by Citrix.
It can be found at:
Information for this document was provided by doc. Q201865 of the MS Technet
Knowledge Base.
Page: 179MPS
Summary: XA Error Printing After Loading Terminal Server SP4
AnswerBook: Vantage ChangeRequests
After loading service pack 4, for Terminal server, clients get errors when
printing crystal reports.
This problem is caused by an old .DLL file that is copied to the
wtsrv\system32 directory. This file causes errors in Vantage when printing
Crystal Reports. You may also experience errors with other windows programs
due to this file.
The main .DLL file that is causing this problem is the MFC42.DLL, a heavily
utilized dll in any windows operating system. The MFC40.DLL may also be
reverted to an older version.
NOTE: This solution assumes you are on the latest patch releases for Vantage
3.00, which contains the updated versions of the problem DLL's. Check the
versions of the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL files in the wtsrv\system32
directory. Compare them against the version found in the Vantage\dll folder
on the mapped drive to Vantage. If the version of the two dll's on Terminal
Server are older than in the Vantage\dll folder, you will need to copy them
into the wtsrv\system32 folder.
To do this, you will need to first get everyone out of their sessions on
Terminal Server so they are no longer using the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL
files when you perform the copy and replace.
1. In Terminal Server, go into Administrative tools -> Server manager.
2. Open the icon with the name of your Terminal server.
3. Click on the "In Use" button, and choose to close all resources.
NOTE: This will close any applications or connections on your Terminal
4. Copy the MFC42.DLL and MFC40.DLL from the Vantage\dll folder into the
wtsrv\system32 folder on your terminal server.
5. Restart the Terminal Server and verify that you have the latest versions,
and that there are no duplicates of older versions in your wtsrv\system32
folder. You should now be able to print crystal reports in Vantage.
Version: 3.00
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