I am working on automation/integration to bring parts, revs, Bill of Materials across to Epicor …
I will be using DMTs which I will schedule. Parts will be loaded first, then Part Plant,…, EWBGroup, Part Revision …Bill of Material.
My question is around checking out parts and what is the best method on how to proceed. I thought that one of the DMT loads could set the parts to checked out but have not found any.
If anyone can guide me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
The DMT “Bill of Material” and “Bill of Operations” loads don’t load revisions as checked out… these do not populate the Engineering Workbench.
(Technically they do, but then they immediately unpopulate them by “effectively” checking the part in).
If you want to have parts to be checked out, I’m pretty sure that is a manual process only and would have to be done AFTER the Revisions, BOMs, and BOOs are all loaded.
Thank you for your input.
The expectation is to have all new parts with revision checked out…so they can sit in the EWB prior to any BOM’s coming across. I did test all the DMTs in did also noticed that the parts would be automatically checked in. If the DMT does not provide, then can a BPM trigger for the partrev table to populate the ecorev table and set checkout to true?
“Checking out” a part revision is not a checkbox, it is a process Epicor performs. I’m sure there are people who could create a BPM to do that, but I’m not one of those.
Can I ask why your business wants them “checked out” when there’s no method? If the BOM and BOO uploads will be happening quite soon after the Revision is created, it really shouldn’t matter. The DMT doesn’t care if the part is checked out or not, and after it runs the parts are automatically checked in.
The children parts get released before the parents, and it may take quite some time before the BOM gets released. The MOM is not coming across but being built manually in the EWB. The Planner wants to be able to go to the EWB and pull up all the ECOGroup in preparation for building the MOM.
Yes, a BPM CAN be used to check a part out to the EWB, and even “Get details” from the old rev if necessary. This can be done all with Widgets. The “Check Out Rev” widget runs the EngWorkBench.CheckOut BO, and the Get Details widget runs the EngWrokBench.GetDetailsFromMethods BO… there before these 4 widgets run, there are a bunch of variable setters that run so that the two method widgets have data to run with.
Thank you.
At this time I only require to have the parts checked out. What are the variable setters that run in order to provide data for these widgets?
I am somewhat new at this and was attempting to use the EngWorkBenchUpdate, from the partrev table map fields to ecorev using Fill Table by Query as well as set the a checkedoutdate from ecorev to the createdon date from partrev.
I’ve made e a UBAQ that checks out parts. (I’m pretty sure I’m shared it here) the intent is to do a mass checkout. It works for us just fine when we need it. You basically need a template, then you paste insert. Very similar to what DMT would do.
if you add the widget, you can see what all the parameters are… but I believe that they are ECOGroup, Part#, Rev, AltMethod, plus a few other true/false values. The best way to see this is to go into Part Entry, turn on tracing, and then manually check a part out… Look at the trace, and you will see what all the parameters are that are “normally” used. (this is what I did the first time I used this widget).
@Banderson, i have made the same updatable dashboard where you can paste a list of part numbers, OLD revs, NEW revs, ECO Groups, and it will 1. create the new rev, 2. check out the part Rev, get details from the old rev into the new rev… the entire logic was done in Widgets. took about an hour to build and test.
it depends on what you want to achieve if you want to do what @timshuwy saying then you need to use the ExtUpdate BPM of your uBAQ, and modify it accordingly, in this example i had to add a pre-process as well as altering the base one, others i had to disable the base completely and replace it by
a post process
you need to add the key fileds from the child table to your template PartRev-PartMtl, reading this error DMT could not find the relevant child record for your BOM parent table
I actually cannot do anything in DMT for the Engineering workbench without getting a constraint error or child parent error as previously stated.Then the error lists every part in the system. I also cannot add material in the EWB manually without getting the same above error for that one part as well as all the parts currently listed in ecorev.