PDF Conversion Issue

Hi all,

We are required to send Invoices to some customers as PDF files using Breaking & Routing via their 3rd party cloud interface (in this case it’s cloud-trade.net) it appears that when we do something corrupts just the invoice number and the page number.

Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? We will typically send a batches of 30 of 40 invoices in one run and only the ones going through this Cloud service seem to have issues.



What do you mean by this? When Breaking and Routing runs the PDF is corrupt? How are you getting that PDF to the cloud service? Is the PDF ok if you just save to a network drive?

They must be using a Parser that doesnt follow the PDF ISO Standard properly. Adobe had an issue as well, not sure if they fixed it. You can fix the RDL yourself:

All I can think of is this


I mean if the invoice number is
676160 when it leaves here via email as an attached PDF when it gets to the end customer after going through their third party cloud service its become
,QYRLFH and its always that regardless of the invoice number.

If we print or view the PDF here its fine.



Weird almost as if someone is Encrypting it before its sent. So perhaps the middleware is Encrypting it or transfering Bytes incorrectly.

Sounds like an issue on their end not your end.

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