If I understand correctly, you have a purchase order for part a linked to project 10. Project costing in vantage, as standard, only includes costs related to jobs. This is a big disappointed. We customised vantage to pull through cost information but only viewing. In epicor 9, with finance module, the theory goes you could have full project cost accounting at the GL level.
From: "cemvantage@..." <cmatthews@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 6 May, 2010 20:10:20
Subject: [Vantage] Purchased Parts in Project Entry
Vantage 8.03.408A
We are testing out Project Entry and are trying to understand the process for capturing costs. The question we have is how to handle a purchased part that will be purchased and shipped; not on a job; but considered part of the project.
The sales order line for the purchased part was added to the project and the purchase order line was also added to the project and received into inventory. All of those entries can be seen, however the project costs appear to only be coming from jobs (which are also linked to the project for another sales order line).
Any advise would be appreciated.
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If I understand correctly, you have a purchase order for part a linked to project 10. Project costing in vantage, as standard, only includes costs related to jobs. This is a big disappointed. We customised vantage to pull through cost information but only viewing. In epicor 9, with finance module, the theory goes you could have full project cost accounting at the GL level.
From: "cemvantage@..." <cmatthews@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 6 May, 2010 20:10:20
Subject: [Vantage] Purchased Parts in Project Entry
Vantage 8.03.408A
We are testing out Project Entry and are trying to understand the process for capturing costs. The question we have is how to handle a purchased part that will be purchased and shipped; not on a job; but considered part of the project.
The sales order line for the purchased part was added to the project and the purchase order line was also added to the project and received into inventory. All of those entries can be seen, however the project costs appear to only be coming from jobs (which are also linked to the project for another sales order line).
Any advise would be appreciated.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]