Anyone know what happened to the lead time field on the Quote Entry? It was in E9 but not E10. I see it in the back end on the table but it is not displayed on the screen. It shows when I print it on the Quote form. Do we need to create a field for it to show or is it a possible BUG??
Epicor confirmed a BUG with the Quote Form. They have sent it to development. The Lead Time was moved to the following screen on the Quote Entry > Line - Manufacturing - Revision - Lead Time
Wah, they buried that field something wicked. Thanks for circling back with the solution.
If you find yourself in the situation I did where you need to move field(s) to a new parent tab/group box because Epicor mistranslated the positioning during conversion, or intentionally relocated the fields, I have a method that works pretty well that doesn’t require recreating the fields.