Quote Task Greyed Out

Have one user who’s Assigned To and Complete are greyed out for them. I have then in Work Force just like everybody else. What else am I missing?

Did you add them as an authorized user?


I used to run into this and forget exactly what needs to be done. Can you provide more info about this specific instance?

Is it tied to a Quote? How many tasks? etc.

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If the milestone is tied to another task doesn’t the previous need to be completed before the next one can become available?

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This is in Quote Entry and is the first step, Entering Quote. This is the first task.

Just got a call while typing this, it started working. SO I don’t know if it just took time for my changes to filter down. IDK. Any input is appreciated.

I think the solution for the issue I used to run into was to change the Salesperson on the header. User A was an authorized user of User B and User B was the salesperson on the quote. For some reason they could not access the task so we would switch the salesperson to A.

If you use Territory security, I would also look into that.

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