Report Parameters Help

When I bind Date01 to the date filter the report does not run/return results.

Is there a reason I cannot use T1.TranDate as the date parameter instead of T2.Date01?

T1.TranDate holds the data you want to compare against your parameter. The parameter is passed to the report as T2.Date01.

I am getting no results for the Date01 field still. Don’t I need to add T2.Date01 to the rdd? Reference below current customization and rdl query expression.



And partial view of the rdd

You don’t need to add anything to the RDD, because the CallContextBPMData table is inherent to all RDD’s.

We don’t use CC’s so I did a test with another form - the Material Transaction Detail. While this has a start and End date, I can add a date field and limit the report to only show records between the native Start date and My date.

Then in the Report’s RDL I changed the query for the main table (PartTran in my case)


And added the Query field to the dataset’s properties.

I added a field to the header of my report just to show that the value from the Form was coming through.


I then uploaded the report

Now when run this with the following:


My report is limited to transactions in the range of 1/1/20 - 5/1/20, even though the “To:” date is 12/1/20.


If I set my custom date to after 12/1/2020, then the report includes Material Transactions prior to 12/1/20 (the native “To:” date) and it is 39 pages long…

Add the field to the header to make sure the CallContextBPMData value is coming through.

Perfect, thank you for your detailed response.

Is there perhaps some trick in 2021.1.11 when trying to Bind to the Character fields in CallContextBPMData? I am simply just trying to display the bound information in the page header.
I added an epiUltraCombo dropdown with a list of values onto the form, pick my value, preview the report, and I do not see the field value on the report…


PS: Aha, CCRpt is just the standard RDD report with Table datasources. I think this may vary significantly because in my case, I am using an RDD with a BAQ as a datasource. My guess is all the parameters go to the BAQ. Then the link is broken between BAQ and the SSRS. Or, there is another path for variables between BAQ and SSRS, or not. Essentially, what if I wanted to show in my SSRS Page header, any of the parameters on the report form? If that is possible, then the Character0x fields can work. But I am going on a limb to assume that the process is slightly different or the params table link is “different”.