Sales person shows wrongly in SO

Can anyone help with this? Customer ID’s salesperson appeared “AAA” in Sales Order is different from customer setting module.

In Customer sets as Sales Person = “BBB”
ShipTo Territory is Locked.


  1. Is it manually set Salesperson in SO?
  2. How can I change or sync with the SalesPerson with Customer module?


Do you have a Ship To id on the SO. Check the sales order person on the ship to id. If you have the territory locked and a change to Sales order person for the territory then Ship To will not update to reflect the new sales person unless it gets updated.

Last time we had a territory re-alignment we did a DMT to update Ship To territories.

Hi Kristine,

Yes. The shipto ID salesperson is the same as the Customer ID’s salesperson.
And ShipTo Territory is locked.

The issue here is, whenever create a new SO, the salesperson auto default selects another salesperson.

Hmm, in past I have always found the ship to id sales person record showing the incorrect sales person which caused the sales order to be incorrect.

Do you have any BPMs on Sales Order Header? you may want to do a trace during SO entry for more info.

Do you have Sales Territories? Is the sales person that you are getting on the SO the default sales person on the territory?

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yes i have sales territory. Ship to sales person is same as the customer id sales person.

No BPM on sales order header. I’m using the Base mode. No customization. Can this categorizes as bug?

We have the same problem with quotes (we may have it with orders too, but it doesn’t affect anything for us there).

I have assumed that we’re missing some logic somewhere in how the sales person is assigned, but rather than deal with it we put in a BPM to force the sales person to be the one set against the customer. If someone does know how it’s meant to work, though, it would be nice to know.

As @jkane said, who is in your Sales Territory (which is different from a Ship To).


Upon checking, the salesperson is not assigned to this state.

Please advise if this is due to this issue or BPM?

I’m going to assume that the Territory is not active as there is no salesperson assigned.

You need to set up the Territory with the Salesperson to have it populate on the SO. Do that and see if it fixes the issue.