SSRS :: Barcode Code 128 :: What is the font name?

I am working on modifying an SSRS report and to change the Code 39 barcodes to Code 128. Does anyone know the font name for this? Does Epicor have a Code 128 font?


There is no Code 128 “font”, the barcode is generated from the data you wish to display and includes a check digit for verification. There are Code 128 “generators” online or you can purchase them.

I used the instructions from the first answer on this page …

Worked perfectly.

Thanks, i followed the instructions, but my barcode will not read.


Barcode looks different from what I generate with a Part Number of S-1880


Double check all steps of the instructions have been followed. I create labels using Report Builder on the server that SSRS runs on then all the .dlls and fonts etc are in the correct place when Epicor triggers them.

Barcodes need an * at either end to read. You didn’t forget that did you?

Also, is you scanner set up to read that symbology? It’s possible that it got turned off?

Code-128 barcode do not need * at either end, that is more required by Code39.
When I try and scan the code below with a scanner set up to read all barcodes it does not recognize it.

The start and end codes along with the quiet zone and checksum are all calculated by the code so you only need to supply the text.

I am still trying to figure out what the Epicor SaaS people can do for Cod128 AND DataMatrix?

When i spoke with a “Cloud Team” member and mentioned that Datamatrix is common for the ITAR/DFARS sector he said “Datamatrix - never heard of it”.


I have often been surprised by scanning a non-working code into Notepad, to find that something changed and what I think I’m scanning isn’t.

I’ve had Bartender both add and strip the * for example, or I’ve had a typo in whatever I entered.

This is what I have setup (@Banderson @mark.yates) :

Function StringToBarcode(value As String) As String
  Dim charPos, minCharPos As Integer
  Dim currentChar, checksum As Integer
  Dim isTableB As Boolean = True, isValid As Boolean = True
  Dim returnValue As String = String.Empty

  If (value Is Nothing OrElse value.Length = 0) Then
    Return String.Empty
  End If

  'Check for valid characters
  For charCount As Integer = 0 To value.Length - 1
    currentChar = Asc(value.Substring(charCount, 1))
    If (Not (currentChar >= 32 AndAlso currentChar <= 126)) Then
      isValid = False
      Exit For
    End If

  If Not (isValid) Then Return returnValue
  charPos = 0
  While (charPos < value.Length)
    If (isTableB) Then
      'See if interesting to switch to table C
      'yes for 4 digits at start or end, else if 6 digits
      If (charPos = 0 OrElse charPos + 4 = value.Length) Then
        minCharPos = 4
        minCharPos = 6
      End If
      minCharPos = IsNumber(value, charPos, minCharPos)

      If (minCharPos < 0) Then
        'Choice table C
        If (charPos = 0) Then
        'Starting with table C
          returnValue = Chr(205).ToString()
          'Switch to table C
          returnValue = returnValue + Chr(199).ToString()
        End If
        isTableB = False
        If (charPos = 0) Then
          'Starting with table B
          returnValue = Chr(204).ToString()
        End If
      End If
    End If

    If (Not isTableB) Then
      'We are on table C, try to process 2 digits
      minCharPos = 2
      minCharPos = IsNumber(value, charPos, minCharPos)

      If (minCharPos < 0) Then
        'OK for 2 digits, process it
        currentChar = Integer.Parse(value.Substring(charPos, 2))
        If (currentChar < 95) Then
          currentChar = currentChar + 32
          currentChar = currentChar + 100
        End If
        returnValue = returnValue + Chr(currentChar).ToString()
        charPos += 2
        'We haven't 2 digits, switch to table B
        returnValue = returnValue + Chr(200).ToString()
        isTableB = True
      End If
    End If

    If (isTableB) Then
      'Process 1 digit with table B
      returnValue = returnValue + value.Substring(charPos, 1)
      charPos += 1
    End If

   End While

  'Calculation of the checksum
  checksum = 0
  Dim loo As Integer
  For loo = 0 To returnValue.Length - 1
    currentChar = Asc(returnValue.Substring(loo, 1))
    If (currentChar < 127) Then
      currentChar = currentChar - 32
      currentChar = currentChar - 100
    End If
    If (loo = 0) Then
      checksum = currentChar
      checksum = (checksum + (loo * currentChar)) Mod 103
    End If

  'Calculation of the checksum ASCII code
  If (checksum < 95) Then
    checksum = checksum + 32
    checksum = checksum + 100
  End If

  ' Add the checksum and the STOP
  returnValue = returnValue + _
  Chr(checksum).ToString() + _

  Return returnValue
End Function

Function IsNumber(InputValue As String, CharPos As Integer, MinCharPos As Integer) As Integer
  MinCharPos -= 1
  If (CharPos + MinCharPos < InputValue.Length) Then
    While (MinCharPos >= 0)
      If (Asc(InputValue.Substring(CharPos + MinCharPos, 1)) < 48 _
      OrElse Asc(InputValue.Substring(CharPos + MinCharPos, 1)) > 57) Then
      Exit While
    End If
    MinCharPos -= 1
    End While
  End If
  Return MinCharPos  
End Function

Public Function Code128(ByVal stringText As String) As Byte()
  Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

  result = GenerateImage("Code 128", StringToBarcode(stringText))
  Catch ex As Exception
  End Try

  Return result
End Function

Public Function GenerateImage(ByVal fontName As String, ByVal stringText As String) As Byte()
  Dim oGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics
  Dim barcodeSize As System.Drawing.SizeF
  Dim ms As System.IO.MemoryStream

  Using font As New System.Drawing.Font(New System.Drawing.FontFamily(fontName), 30)
  Using tmpBitmap As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
  oGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(tmpBitmap)
  oGraphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel
  barcodeSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(stringText, font)
  End Using

  Using newBitmap As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(barcodeSize.Width, barcodeSize.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
  oGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap)
  oGraphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel

  Using oSolidBrushWhite As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White)
  Using oSolidBrushBlack As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
  oGraphics.FillRectangle(oSolidBrushWhite, New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, barcodeSize.Width, barcodeSize.Height))
  oGraphics.DrawString(stringText, font, oSolidBrushBlack, 0, 0)
  End Using

  End Using

  ms = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
  newBitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
  End Using
  End Using

  Return ms.ToArray()
End Function

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All looks the same as I am using, assume you installed the Font as per instructions on the machine that generates the SSRS.
Code128 does not have * at the start or end, if you add them then, when scanned they will be in the returned value.
I have a vague memory that I need to restart SSRS to pick up the new font, but that maybe related to somthing else.

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The SaaS server is generating the report. It came back with a barcode, so I am assuming that the server already has the font installed. I have tried both asterisks and no asterisks

Very odd, I removed the Font from our Test server and the report returned a blank box so I guess it has a font, maybe the wrong one?