SSRS Job Traveler job note content missing on all Job parameters after 1st one


I updated our SSRS Job Traveler sub-report and something strange occurred.

When I test the report for only one job, it works perfectly.

When I test the report for more than one job (i.e. mass print), the first job’s notes are generated perfectly but the ensuing job notes are blank (even though they do exist) and there is ample space for them to print. Please see the attached examples of the first page and then the 8th page of a Job Traveler print preview. I can’t attach the whole pdf for proprietary reasons so I’ve printed the same job on it’s own and again as part of a mass print (showing blank space due to missing note text).

What could be causing this weirdness? If the notes are not set up correctly, the first job shouldn’t have them either?!?
