Swipe cards and Vantage


Your office mgr. is right the shop employees need to be terminated then
added back with the modified ID's. We figured out this solution on our
pilot run of vantage so we started with a clean database when we went live.
This change would effect your payroll system also. What was it the Vantage
reps told us in the very beginning - God forgives but Vantage does not!!!

Unless you do a lot of historic cost reports by employee ID, I think the
effects of the change would not be long term. Reports by employee name
would capture both the old and new ID's. We feed our ADP payroll via
Seagate Crystal Reports so we only had to modify the report by removing the
special character.

We do not make our workers punch out at lunch and we use the auto half hour
feature in data collection. The supervisors hustle everyone back to work
when its time. If you do make them punch out then maybe you should turn off
the auto half hour feature. This way you can track their actual times and
your more inventive workers would show up with only a 1 minute lunch break
(at least once).

Hope this helps,

Jerry Solobay
Ebco Aerospace

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Hoyt [SMTP:aaron@...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 1:12 PM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Swipe cards and Vantage

>This means using a touch screen and
adding a character to the shop employee ID that is not on the
Vantage touch
screen keyboard.
This concept is causing some excitement around here. I am running
into one
important question though. Is there a way to add the character to
the ID
without recreating all the employees over. The cards are no
problem, but
the employee info... When initially discussed excitement level
started to
climb until the office manager pointed out that she can not easily
that field. Any comments would be helpful.
Also on a related note, is there a simple (or not so simple) way of
employees who punch out at lunch to stay out for a time. We are
finding a
problem with employees punching out and then right back in, knowing
that it
will deduct 1/2 hour and not a second more (even if they are a
couple of
minutes or more late in returning). Thanks for any info.

Aaron Hoyt
System Administrator
Design Standards Corp.
PO Box 1620
Charlestown, NH 03603
Tel 603-826-7744

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Has anyone been able to intergrate a swipe card with Vantage to clock in and
out? I have multible concerns of labor theft at my company and feel if we
used ID Cards with a stripe to clock users in/out, this problem would
generally go away.

Roy Bosworth
Senior Manager IT/MIS
Swipe cards aren't much better then basic keyboarding. "Buddies" can still
take care of each other.

Take a look at some of the fingerprint or palmprint systems if this is
really an issue for you.

Todd Anderson

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Bosworth [mailto:royb@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:54 AM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Swipe cards and Vantage

Has anyone been able to intergrate a swipe card with Vantage to clock in and
out? I have multible concerns of labor theft at my company and feel if we
used ID Cards with a stripe to clock users in/out, this problem would
generally go away.

Roy Bosworth
Senior Manager IT/MIS

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files,
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www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups,
choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above
will work the next time you try it.)
roy, we use id badges (which also have prox sensors to allow access to the
building) with barcode id numbers. vantage data collection has a photo of
the employee come up when the id card is scanned, and it may be suspicious
if the photo on data collection did not match the person logging in- if
anybody was around to see it. however, you can't expect every terminal to
watched all the time, also, cards can be given to other employees (barcoded
or swipe), or one guy could log into data collection as another guy with
just the id number. making this aspect of the system fool proof would be

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Bosworth [mailto:royb@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 8:54 AM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Swipe cards and Vantage

Has anyone been able to intergrate a swipe card with Vantage to clock in and
out? I have multible concerns of labor theft at my company and feel if we
used ID Cards with a stripe to clock users in/out, this problem would
generally go away.

Roy Bosworth
Senior Manager IT/MIS

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files,
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www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups,
choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above
will work the next time you try it.)
Swipe cards only help the "theft" problem if you remove the physical
keyboard from the data collection site. This means using a touch screen and
adding a character to the shop employee ID that is not on the Vantage touch
screen keyboard. This special character is encoded on the card so the only
way to clock in or out is with the physical card (either mag stripe or
barcode). If you use standard code-39 bar code then a photocopy of the
swipe card can defeat your security (there are non photocopyable barcodes
and readers available to solve this problem).

Also be sure to physically secure the keyboard connection on the data
collect station so that a hacker/employee can not bring in a keyboard and
plug it in and get access.

The code sequence you need on the swipe card is:


where XXXX is the shop employee ID

I used the ' (single quote) character which is the lower case of the "
(double quotes) key on a standard QWERTY keyboard. It is coded as the /G
which I think is in the code-39 extended character set.

Note: Any logged on user with a QWERTY keyboard and access to the data
collection screen can over ride this security.

Hope this helps.


Jerry L. Solobay

Ebco Aerospace

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Bosworth [SMTP:royb@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:54 AM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Swipe cards and Vantage

Has anyone been able to intergrate a swipe card with Vantage to
clock in and
out? I have multible concerns of labor theft at my company and feel
if we
used ID Cards with a stripe to clock users in/out, this problem
generally go away.

Roy Bosworth
Senior Manager IT/MIS
We did have the credit card-like terminals for a while. However, in a
work environment with lots of metal dust these things were slowing down
productivity and were creating an excuse for employees not to clock in
accurately. Not to mention the loss of IT hours trying to maintain and
clean the readers and the cards...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy Bosworth [mailto:royb@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 10:54 AM
> To: vantage@egroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] Swipe cards and Vantage
> Has anyone been able to intergrate a swipe card with Vantage
> to clock in and
> out? I have multible concerns of labor theft at my company
> and feel if we
> used ID Cards with a stripe to clock users in/out, this problem would
> generally go away.
> Roy Bosworth
> Senior Manager IT/MIS
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> We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share
> Report Files, please go to the following link:
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go
to www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My
Groups, choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password,
the link above will work the next time you try it.)
>This means using a touch screen and
adding a character to the shop employee ID that is not on the Vantage touch
screen keyboard.
This concept is causing some excitement around here. I am running into one
important question though. Is there a way to add the character to the ID
without recreating all the employees over. The cards are no problem, but
the employee info... When initially discussed excitement level started to
climb until the office manager pointed out that she can not easily modify
that field. Any comments would be helpful.
Also on a related note, is there a simple (or not so simple) way of forcing
employees who punch out at lunch to stay out for a time. We are finding a
problem with employees punching out and then right back in, knowing that it
will deduct 1/2 hour and not a second more (even if they are a couple of
minutes or more late in returning). Thanks for any info.

Aaron Hoyt
System Administrator
Design Standards Corp.
PO Box 1620
Charlestown, NH 03603
Tel 603-826-7744