Updateable Dashboard - Read Only columns EXCEPT when adding

Just curious, has anyone found any simple magic to allow you to:

  1. create an Updatable Dashboard that allows ADDING new records
  2. BUT when EDITING an existing row, certain fields would become Read ONLY

If so: how did you do it?

I think if you make the fields in the extended properties (the master one, not on the form) when you make a new row it’s editable, and then when you save, it become read only. It was doing that to me by accident when I was trying to make a grid in a UD customized field be read only all of the time. I had to use the customization wizard to make the field read only on the form all of the time. I haven’t tried it in a dashboard though.

Maybe worth a shot?

I got around my particular issue by adding BAQ/BPMs that checked for changes to the fields if it was not an add. Then I throw an error if they try to change.

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