Upgrade 10.2.500.9 db to Kinetic 2021.2 error

Trying to refresh test kinetic server with current production db - a process I have done several times before…
I am getting an error on upgrade task 251:
Error Upgrade Process ModifyDmsStorageType.sql Cannot find the object “Ice.DmsStorageType” because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
if not exists (select 1 from information_schema.co
Error Upgrade Process ModifyDmsStorageType.sql Cannot find the object “Ice.DmsStorageType” because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
if not exists (select 1 from information_schema.co
Error Upgrade Process ModifyDmsStorageType.sql Cannot find the object “Ice.DmsStorageType” because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
if not exists (select 1 from information_schema.co
Error Upgrade Process MigratePatchFldDMSStorageType.sql Invalid object name ‘Ice.DmsStorageType’.
Has anyone run across this error and know of a solution?

There is no direct upgrade from 10.x to 2021.2
you must stop at 2021.1 to upgrade db before moving on to 2021.2

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@bw2868bond I went from 10.2.400.15 to on 2/5 and am planning to take our 10.2.400.15 to hopefully this weekend for testing next week. What was the version you were converting to?

I went to the latest 11.1.200.xx

You should be OK going to 11.1.100 first and then to 11.1.200

That was my point. I have gone from 400 to a bunch of times, so if going to 13 has an issue then I may decide that .10 is my go live version since it has been flawless each time.

IDK then – I tried on 2 different systems and neither one had the necessary scripts to do the entire upgrade

I logged a support call when I first had the issue, The support ‘tech’ confirmed no direct upgrade from 10.2.x to 11.1.200 and suggested I submit an idea

Good luck with your upgrade

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That’s really odd. I did a 10.1.600 to 11.2 in one fell swoop. I watched the DB conversions move through 10.2 then 11.1 and finally, 11.2 with no errors.

And like @gpayne, I stopped at 11.2.10.

I have a separate thread somewhere where the DB upgrade misses key steps - I would disagree with support that you have to stop at a certain version first, this is just a bug that they haven’t pinned down yet.

Laughing emoji at @Mark_Wonsil doing his own upgrades :heart:

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You mean laughing emoji at Mark doing his own upgrades on-prem. I was doing upgrades in Azure before…

Ah, I thought you outsourced that to Epicor Cloud Ops team. You at Insights this year for a catch up?

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Previous to Azure, I used both Epicor Managed Services and Public Cloud. I seem to move to companies who need to cloud! :man_shrugging:


Absolutely looking forward to catching up with you good Sir!