Upgrade - Baq exception time out - invoice tables cross company


Hi, we are getting timeouts where we didnt before. I have looked at the other posrs and there is nothing we can do to tidy up the baqs. In truth they are quite simple. But one aspect we have noticed that if the query is cross company then this definitely causes issues. Has anybody else experienced this particular scenario

What was the upgrade From -> To?

When we upgraded from 10.1.400 to 10.2.300, we found some tables that had date fields, were changed to DateTime fields.

So records in 10.1.400 would have the same date regardless of what time they were created - because 5/1/2020 = 5/1/2020.

Then in 10.2.300, dates would no longer match - because 5/1/2020 13:34:22 is not the same date as 5/1/2020 13:34:25

So check your BAQ’s table relationships, and see if any of the “Date” fields are now “DateTime”.

Thanks, will have a look. The only time we doing something on dates, from memory, is finding the last invoice amount. Rather than joins on date fields.

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