Vantage 5.2 lockups

Another option to check is in the V:\Vantage\db\ file. The -Bt setting allocates how much memory is set aside on the client machine when running Vantage. I changed this from -Bt 200 (default, I think) to -Bt 2000. After that, Clients with low memory locked up at times. I settled on -Bt 600 after some testing. Increasing this number is supposed to help some reports run faster on Client machines by making more memory available rather than having to use hard drive space.

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

----- Original Message -----
From: pvanderl <pvanderl@...>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 5.2 lockups

Hello group -
I have installed 5.2 with patch 305 and ever since I have had users
hounding me about Vantage locking up. What happens when it locks up
is they click on a menu option, the new progress window comes up and
is clear - no fields text etc, and it just sits there indefinitely.
It is not always the same menu option, it does not always happen, it
is not happening for all users. The only recovery has been ending the
progress and vantage task in the task manager. We moved from 5.0, my
server is a dual xeon proc mirrored hd. Tech support does not have
any answers and I am at my wits end. I believe it is a local NT or
W2k issue as I have solved the problem with one user by completely
reloading windows (reformat and all..) and loading progress 9.1d abd
Vantage 5.2. Any suggestions?

Patrick Vanderlind
Midwest Metal Products

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hello group -
I have installed 5.2 with patch 305 and ever since I have had users
hounding me about Vantage locking up. What happens when it locks up
is they click on a menu option, the new progress window comes up and
is clear - no fields text etc, and it just sits there indefinitely.
It is not always the same menu option, it does not always happen, it
is not happening for all users. The only recovery has been ending the
progress and vantage task in the task manager. We moved from 5.0, my
server is a dual xeon proc mirrored hd. Tech support does not have
any answers and I am at my wits end. I believe it is a local NT or
W2k issue as I have solved the problem with one user by completely
reloading windows (reformat and all..) and loading progress 9.1d abd
Vantage 5.2. Any suggestions?

Patrick Vanderlind
Midwest Metal Products
I saw this on a few PCs shortly after going to 5.2. Seemed to be on PCs (all Win98) with less memory so I upped them all to at least 256MB (mostly from 64MB, memory is pretty reasonable lately) and the problem stopped. If I recall correclty I also installed IE 6 which I believe loads some DLL's that Progress 9.1d needs. It might have been a combo of memory and DLLs or just the DLLs. Perhaps try IE 6 (if not already loaded by Win2K) and see if it fixes it. A lot less painful than reinstalling Win2K.
-Todd C.

-----Original Message-----
From: pvanderl <pvanderl@...> [mailto:pvanderl@...]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 5.2 lockups

Hello group -
I have installed 5.2 with patch 305 and ever since I have had users
hounding me about Vantage locking up. What happens when it locks up
is they click on a menu option, the new progress window comes up and
is clear - no fields text etc, and it just sits there indefinitely.
It is not always the same menu option, it does not always happen, it
is not happening for all users. The only recovery has been ending the
progress and vantage task in the task manager. We moved from 5.0, my
server is a dual xeon proc mirrored hd. Tech support does not have
any answers and I am at my wits end. I believe it is a local NT or
W2k issue as I have solved the problem with one user by completely
reloading windows (reformat and all..) and loading progress 9.1d abd
Vantage 5.2. Any suggestions?

Patrick Vanderlind
Midwest Metal Products

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

<*,,HGTV_3936_5802,FF.html> HGTV Dream Home Giveaway

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <> .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You might want to check you in the Progress directory.
This sounds like the problem I had when we went to 5.2. I couldn't run
reports, after a few got into Vantage others couldn't login, etc. Support
had me add the following line; -L 3000 -n 56 to the

-cpinternal ISO8859-1
-cpstream ISO8859-1
-cpcoll Basic
-cpcase Basic
-d mdy
-numsep 44
-numdec 46
-Mm 4096
-L 3000 -n 56 (added this line)

**************This is the document they sent me***************************
Summary PG Out of Resources, increase -n ( 748 )
Book Vantage General Information
Page 113.419MPS


When trying to log in to Vantage, the following error message occurs:

'Out of resources try a larger -n ( 748 )'


Progress Error #748, means that an attempt was made to exceed the limit for
the number of users making an active connection to the database. Increase
the -n parameter.

1. Check the -n value in the STARTUP.PF file in the following folders based
on your current Vantage version.
DLCNLM or DLCNT (Ver 2.70)
DLCSRV (Ver 3.00)
PROGRESS (Ver 4.00)
Open the respective directory on the network drive where Vantage and
Progress are installed. If the -n entry is not in the file, the
default is normally 20.

(PROGRESS and SQL (Ver 5.00) See document 1304MPS)

Using Windows Explorer do the following:
a) Double click on the C:\DCD\DLCNT (2.70), C:\DWC\DLCSRV (3.00) or
C:\EPICOR\PROGRESS (4.00) directory to display its contents.
b) Click on the STARTUP.PF file to select it.
c) Open the STARTUP.PF file with WORDPAD or NOTEPAD for editing. (For 4.00
right mouse click on the file and select EDIT.
d) Add a new line to the end of the file.
e) Add the following entries on this new line:
-L 3000 -n ## (where ## is the number of Progress Licenses you
have purchased)
*Note: at least 1 space character is required between each parameter and
value entered on the line.
f) Exit and Save the changes.

2. Run the PROMON utility against the db while it is running.
Choose option 6 - Shared Resources, and verify that the -n displayed in
PROMON matches the -n on the startup line. If it doesn't, then you have
found the problem.

Setting up the ProMon utility to monitor the Database activity:
Using Windows Explorer do the following:
a) Double click the C:\DCD\DLCNT\BIN (2.70), C:\DWC\DLCSRV (3.00) or
C:\EPICOR\PROGRESS (4.00) directory to display its contents
b). Right click on the _MPRSHUT.EXE and choose 'Create Shortcut'
c) Right click on the newly recreated shortcut and choose 'Properties'
d) Choose the Shortcut tab
e) Add to the end of the Target Line:
for 2.70 add the line: -0 c:\dcd\vantage\db\dcdv7.db
for 3.00 add the line: -0 c:\dwc\vantage\db\dcdv7.db
for 4.00 add the line: -0 c:\epicor\vantage\db\vantage.db
f) Apply the changes and click Ok.
g) Rename the Shortcut icon and rename it PROMON
h) Copy and paste (do NOT drag) PROMON icon to the desktop.

3. If it does match, then you need to determine if the problem is with
remote clients or local clients. Remote clients are those that start a
Progress session from a different system than the system running the broker
for the database. Local clients start Progress from the same machine that
has the broker running for the database.

4. If the problem is with remote clients, check the setup of the services
file. Specifically check the entry for the database that is having the
problem. The correct syntax for the service should be:
For the startup line: proserve demo -H sun1 -S vantage -N tcp

The services entries should look like this:
vantage 2500/tcp
dcdtrain 2501/tcp


If the error 748 makes all of the workstations freeze, compare the Promon
user number and the -n value in the file. If they are different,
there may be a problem with the vantage.ini file. Copy the vantage.ini file
locally to the c:\vntgwork directory on each workstation. Then change the
IniFile environment variable in the vantage.vtg file to reflect this local
For example: INIFile=c:\Vntgwork\vantage.ini.

NOTE: You may wish to create a logon script that would copy the file from
the network to the workstation each time the user logs into the network.
You may also wish to increase the -n value to something greater than the max
limit # of users that would ever connect to it. This would prevent you from
exceeding this limit in the future.

Starting up multiple sessions of Vantage on one workstation does use up -n
resources. Each user running Vantage and Report Builder is using two

Each session that is started from a single PC client will count as an active
connection to Progress and will affect the license count. Do not to double
click more than once on the Vantage Icon. Suggestion here would be to setup
the SchemaCache file. See Vantage Help for instructions.

-----Original Message-----
From: pvanderl <pvanderl@...> [mailto:pvanderl@...]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 5.2 lockups

Hello group -
I have installed 5.2 with patch 305 and ever since I have had users
hounding me about Vantage locking up. What happens when it locks up
is they click on a menu option, the new progress window comes up and
is clear - no fields text etc, and it just sits there indefinitely.
It is not always the same menu option, it does not always happen, it
is not happening for all users. The only recovery has been ending the
progress and vantage task in the task manager. We moved from 5.0, my
server is a dual xeon proc mirrored hd. Tech support does not have
any answers and I am at my wits end. I believe it is a local NT or
W2k issue as I have solved the problem with one user by completely
reloading windows (reformat and all..) and loading progress 9.1d abd
Vantage 5.2. Any suggestions?

Patrick Vanderlind
Midwest Metal Products