Another option to check is in the V:\Vantage\db\ file. The -Bt setting allocates how much memory is set aside on the client machine when running Vantage. I changed this from -Bt 200 (default, I think) to -Bt 2000. After that, Clients with low memory locked up at times. I settled on -Bt 600 after some testing. Increasing this number is supposed to help some reports run faster on Client machines by making more memory available rather than having to use hard drive space.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
----- Original Message -----
From: pvanderl <pvanderl@...>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 5.2 lockups
Hello group -
I have installed 5.2 with patch 305 and ever since I have had users
hounding me about Vantage locking up. What happens when it locks up
is they click on a menu option, the new progress window comes up and
is clear - no fields text etc, and it just sits there indefinitely.
It is not always the same menu option, it does not always happen, it
is not happening for all users. The only recovery has been ending the
progress and vantage task in the task manager. We moved from 5.0, my
server is a dual xeon proc mirrored hd. Tech support does not have
any answers and I am at my wits end. I believe it is a local NT or
W2k issue as I have solved the problem with one user by completely
reloading windows (reformat and all..) and loading progress 9.1d abd
Vantage 5.2. Any suggestions?
Patrick Vanderlind
Midwest Metal Products
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