Want RDD to pull in More than 1 record (but not ALL records)

@MLamkin, did you ever find a solution for this? Can Report BAQs have a relationship in RDDs?
I am in a similar situation where we may want Bill To information to appear on the Sales Order Acknowledgement as opposed to Sold To information.

I submitted a help ticket and was told to submit an Improvement Suggestion. Below is what I was looking for help with. Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this.

In the OrderAck Report Data Definition, the order header has many calculated fields, but it is rather confusing on the following:
Calc_BillToAddressList (this is the sold to address list)
Calc_BillToContact (this is the sold to contact)
Calc_BTAddressList (this is the bill to address list)

Epicor has many calculated fields for the ship to:

The following calculated fields print the Sold To information, not Bill To information. What does the Prc mean?

I wish Epicor explained how each of the calculated fields are calculated.

When Epicor has fields displayed on a record, but they are not Database fields, it would be nice if Epicor would add those fields as Calculated Fields.image
Like if Epicor would add the following (for the Bill To, not the Sold To), it would make things easier.
Calc_BTContact (Bill to Contact Name)
Calc_BTEmail (Bill to Email)
Calc_BTFax (Bill To Fax number)
Calc_BTPhone (Bill to Phone number)
Then we could determine what to display on our Order Acknowledgements.

For a while I was using a work around, by sucking in all the contacts for the customer and modifying the SQL to split off the values I needed. But that broke the APR we have attached to it, so I had to revert back to a single CustCnt record for the BillTo Contact. (we have UD fields on CustCnt that we needed to access) All I did for that was add CustCnt to a copy of the RDD to grab the BillTo Contact info.

The CalcPrc fields are for the Sold To Contact.

We had to add a lot of stuff for our UK office, they are sending the acknowledgement to the Customer instead of the SalesRep. Making something that was intended to be internal into something customer facing was a challenge :slight_smile:

@MLamkin, what relationship did you use for your RDD?
I added Customer table and made the relationship OrderHed to Customer (using BTCustNum).

I also added CustCnt table and made the relationship OrderHed to CustCnt, like this:

It looks like it is working for me.

Yup, that’s the way to do it :slight_smile: Ours is a little bit different just because we hang all contacts off the SoldTo Customer. Which requires a bit of finagling sometimes. But for normal Epicor, that looks right :slight_smile: