"Advanced BAQ Report" not pushing data to database

Now that we are running Kinetic, I am embracing the RDD based Report using BAQs that have been coined here as “Advanced BAQ Reports”. I have followed several threads…thanks @ckrusen, @amurdock for the great detail on how to create them. I have also found KB0114676 on Epicor’s site that gives nice detail on the process. All seems pretty straight forward, but now I am stuck with an odd problem.

When I launch the report, I get the expected dialog with the configured criteria prompt. When I then attempt to launch the report, I find an error in the System Monitor as follows:

Query execution failed for dataset ‘BAQReportResult’. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name ‘BAQReportResult_5c8317b388954c75af01c477f5ed93fd’.

Checking the SSRS server logs, I see this type of error for every configured dataset within the report. This would make me believe that the system intended to generate data and push to the SSRS report database, but the data isn’t actually there.

I have made sure to have the Archive Period = Day.

I have also verified that the Output Location for the RDD = database

Did you name your data source BAQReportResult in the RDD? That’s what I’d expect the name of the data source if you used an actual BAQ Report… but for a RDD-based report you are speaking of, you name each of the BAQs you add to the RDD and I believe the table they go into bear that name. Your SSRS should be referencing the data source names from the RDD. Can you double check that?

Thanks for the reply @dr_dan.

No. The name of the data source in the RDD is named “logs”.

The SSRS report shows that data source name along with other “out of the box” included data sources. None of them show up as table data in the SSRS database.


Tim, I had an issue when naming the BAQs or the datasets… if they contained “-” or something it never worked. this was over a year ago I tried doing what you were doing, but I remember I hit all sorts of roadblocks because I had to re-name all my BAQs. Let me check real qucik.

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Yeah, Tim, I removed the “-” in all my BAQs and then it worked.

That’s all I can say right now. I know I didn’t fully understand the problem (honestly didn’t want to) and maybe I don’t even need to do this, but that’s what made it work for me.

I, like you, always use company-baqname as my nomenclature so I was peeved when it didn’t work.

Sounds like a bug. Funny story… I use a prefix, then an underscore, to begin my BAQ names and they work just fine. I believe newer versions prohibit the underscore, though. We’re still on 2021.2.

The point I was trying to get at was that you shouldn’t have a source in your RDL for BAQReportParameter and BAQReportResult. So if the RDL is running a query looking for that table and the RDD is not sending a table with that name, it would fail.

Thanks guys

@utaylor, I recreated everything ditching the ‘-’ symbol for both BAQs (Data Source and Criteria Prompt), but sadly, it made no difference. Not sure if I would have to blow away the RDD and start completely fresh, but just removing and adding the “hypenless” BAQs didn’t fix it. Like you, I have been using this convention for years so I hope I can still use the convention.

@dr_dan, understood!

I do know that Kinetic layer names do not support the ‘-’ character. When I rebuild all our classic customizations, they too were named company-name. When I created the new Kinetic layer version, I couldn’t use that format. Found I could use an underscore (like Dan uses) and the system was happy with that.

Yes I think you should, because your table names take on the BAQ name, right or nah?

Also I notice you’re changing the dataset name from the BAQ name to something friendlier, what happens if you leave it alone and let it be your BAQ name?

Thanks guys for continuing to be a sounding board. I’ve figured it out.

Turns out, the .rdl file I started with actually had more datasets than what the new RDD format expected. I copied the stock BAQReport.rdl as mentioned in another thread to the name of my new report. I found doing a “sync” does not remove the datasets that are not being pushed during the report run, it only updates/adds to those datasets the RDD knows about. The solution was to delete the other 3 datasets out of the .rdl that were not being synced, then perform a sync. In my case, there are only 4 datasets synced instead of the 7 I had before. Looking back, the errors were for the exact 3 datasets that were not getting pushed. Makes perfect sense now.


I did take the opportunity to verify that using a ‘-’ for BAQs is not a problem with 11.2.400.4 so that makes for a good day!