Changing part #'s

Is There a way you can change a raw material part # and it flows through all our BOM’s to update them with the new part #?

Hi Tanya,

I frequently use DMT for bulk changes as I feel like I have better control with using it. However there is also a program for doing this, that I think our engineering uses occasionally.


DMT works and you can also try the Mass Part Replace.


Warning on DMT if you have unapproved revisions that you update, it will approve them after the DMT update. You will need a second DMT to reset approval status


One note about mass part replace… it doesn’t bump the revision of the part. it simply changes the part number. IF that is what you wanted, that is great.
Another old-school trick for part replacement… change the old part number into a PHANTOM, and give it a Phantom BOM that includes the new part number. Now, automatically, everywhere that the old part number was referenced is a phantom, and when the job is created, the phantom explodes.


That is a Golden tip… my company is forever changing part numbers… so annoying!!!

Does the PBOM explode if you quote a part that has changed to a pbom and the convert to a sales order?

The PBOM explodes when the job is created and the details are pulled in.