Another odd occurrence:
A while back I managed to add “Issue Mtl to Job” as one of the right click menu options when clicking on a “Job Number” field in the Time-Phase grid. I had checked off the Customization Mode check box, life was good.
I should have screen-shotted the settings in Context Menu Maintenance…
Fast forward to today; the issue material option from Time Phase has disappeared. Tried to figure out when and why to no avail, so I decided to rebuild…
I can’t bring back the option. I tried to update about any menu with JobNum in it (as I don’t know how to positively identify the menu ID I should be targeting; I read it somewhere but can’t find the reference right now).
Funny thing is that my added Issue Material shortcut shows up in the right click menu in Time Phase as soon as I launch the Context Menu Maintenance window. If I close the Context Menu Mtc screen it disappears.
What would change my user settings to allow a custom added right click option to show only when the Context Menu Mtc window is open?