I’m trying to create a change log in the Part Class to register any changes made on it, especially on the GLControl tab. However, the “Change Log” option does not appear in the Design window of In-Transaction and Standard Directive.
I was able to do it successfully with Product Group, but not with Part Class.
The Change Log is available for programs that use a table which has an assigned ChgLogID. This capability displays on the program’s Standard Toolbar as the Change Log icon. If you see this icon, you can enable the Change Log functionality for a given program, so it means that not all tables can be enabled.
FWIW - The GLC info isn’t stored with the primary table (PartClass in your case). Even if the ChangeLog widget existed in PartClass, changes to the GLC wouldn’t be logged. You can test this with Product Group.
The GLC info is stored in the EntityGLC table - which you can put a change log on.
Put a Condition in there to limit the tables whose GLC changes should be logged.
Since ChangeLog requires support on the UI side (explicitly implemented by the application developers), the ability to create ChangeLog records is controlled via ZData. So, DD shows related widget only for tables explicitly marked as ChangeLog-ready.