What is the easiest way to see when/who made changes to a part method? I created a changelog for partopr table but I can’t figure out where I would view that from or how to get this since changes are done/tracked through ECOOprDtl which in turn updates the PartOprDtl table.
Use Data Directives Maintenance to create logging on specific tables.
I created one for the PartOpr table - but don’t know where you would view this change log - since you actually check the part out in Engineering Workbench (adding records to ECOOpr table which then in turn updates the PartOpr table) and I don’t see an option to view a change log in ECOOpr table -
Using BAQ I do notice both tables have a time stamp of some sort but don’t know how to convert into legible format.
You can also have a date field (textbox) added, then populate it with the time stamp you found in the BAQ.
If you want real time updates, you can create a bpm that will send an email you whenever an update is made.
In the BPM you can also query for the change log for the specific part number and send it as part of the email.
We use the ECO tables for that. Everyone who makes changes to methods uses their own ECO group, and this will show you when it got checked in, and what group checked it in (and thus who). The query below looks only and the list of materials that goes into that part, because we use it mostly to track down when imports don’t have the right BOM’s on them, but I think you could add ECOopr tables and be able to get those as well. There is a parameter to enter a part number to reduce the amount of record you receive.
PartECOHistory.baq (132.6 KB)
Is this a Data directive you created and where would you view the change log for ECO tables? I don’t see the option.
It’s just a query, the ECO tables already keep track of that for you. The PartOpr tables is the current ops, but the ECOOpr keeps track of what was on the part when it was checked back in.
After you have set up a Data Directive (and a change has been made to the table you put it on); you run the Change Log Report under System Setup/Security Maintenance.
Thanks - was not aware of that nice report.
You are an unsung hero with that BAQ query. Thank you from year 2024!
The best way is to use the built in screen on the part table… when you go to the revisions, you can see the “audit Log” which shows the history of each time a revision was checked in. This is available in both the browser and smart client versions going way back into the dark ages of time.
This is a functionality (now that you’ve pointed it out) that I remember using in Vantage 8 , but had forgotten about since I haven’t used it since then.
There are all kinds of these little-used features that don’t have good press agents… although they’re documented (in that they have help screens and such), they aren’t really encouraged (in that if you don’t know they’re there, they don’t jump out at you).
This is not a rant, but all these little gems are hiding there in plain sight.
I’m going to add a caveat here. The ECO tables DO NOT keep a history. They hold clues but stuff gets overwritten so it’s not a comprehensive history. I probably didn’t realize it back then, but I know that now. So be very careful when using the ECO tables, and don’t put too much credence into the data they hold unless you are super diligent about always using new ECO groups for any change.
They do if you never reuse ECO groups, but yeah, system will absolutely overwrite when you check out into the the same group. Having said that, I looked at controlling for this when the req came down that we must to maintain rev history. Instead, I instituted rev control on the part tables and left eco as is. No checking out a part twice. You must increment the rev.
I suppose I could have just forced new eco groups, but that seemed more workflow disruptive.