Does BPM validation take a long time for you too?

Is it normal for BPM validation to take well over a minute to validate? I can be useful, if it didn’t take so long and if it caught more things. Case in point, I had a criteria set on a boolean field, which I though should be 0 for false, but in a BPM needs to be set to false with no quotes. Validation took forever, and when it finally did finish, said everything was fine. On save of the BPM the it came back immediately with the error that == can’t be set with Boolean and string. If the save event can catch problems so fast, why does the validation take so long?

On our older system it used to be very slow, and on my new one fancy system it’s just slow :slight_smile: I almost never use the validation function; instead, I use the Check Syntax button frequently

Unfortunately, there isn’t one in a query…

You’re writing code in it?or using widgets

using widgets.

Ah gotcha. Well again, I try to not use that validation function for the same reasons you mentioned. It’s just too slow and clunky

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I rely on the the BPM being able to be saved as my check. :slight_smile:

But seriously, what’s up with the several minute check, when trying to save a broken BPM errors out instantly?

Please report it to Tech Support. I have experienced the same. I rarely do the validation on the widgets. I will validate a C# block.
One thing that the validation looks for is detached widgets… ie… a widget path that doesnt have an incoming line. It reports these as warnings. BUT if you just save the BPM, these are not reported. It is probably this extra validation logic for unused/detached widgets that takes time.