Exporting from IDC into DocStar ECM

Hello all,

I’m working on a test environment for a new customer of ours. I am trying to figure out how to configure the export settings correctly in IDC, so the ECM Client can pick them up from a folder.

Currently, IDC exports CSV and PDF into a folder. It is set to export 1 CSV for each PDF file. In the past I’ve used CSV import with the ECM Client, and from what I remember, the CSV file must be named the same as its corresponding PDF, so the client can know which is which. For example:




However, when IDC exports, the csv is always named differently to the corresponding PDFs, so the ECM client can’t import anything, because it doesn’t know which CSV belongs to which PDF.

Am I missing something silly?

In yuor batch type these need to match for all active types.



Sorry, I should have mentioned, I do have the exact same path in these settings.

However, I am using the GUID - perhaps I just need to use DocID rather. Maybe I assumed that GUID, while unique, would keep the same name per each PDF/CSV pair. I will try this out and let you know

I do not know if guid is unique by file or by batch. I have only use a few of the macro expressions and never guid.

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Yes this seemed to have done the trick. Easy fix, can’t believe it didn’t occur to me.

Will leave this post up in case anyone else has the same issue.


Mark it as the solution to show others what fixed it.

Gotcha, thx

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