Print preview in browser stopped working in Kinetic 2021

Got our Kinetic 2021 test box setup. First observation is running in browser is much faster than the client.

I have run into an issue. I was able to preview reports in the browser ok and it suddenly stopped working. There is no notification either. Both Crystal and SSRS were working in the browser for the last two days and till today morning. There is no notification either or an entry in the system monitor in the browser.

However, when I log into the client all the reports show up in the client.

Do not know where to look.


Vinay Kamboj

If you run Dev Tools in the browser (F12, then CTRL+ALT+8), then preview, does it give you any clues?

Hi Aaron,

The notification for the report pops up. On clicking it says error with the only detail as “Business Layer Exception”.

Vinay Kamboj

Can you check the event viewer on the server? It should give you more details.

Some issues related to Print Preview were fixed in 2021.1.9.
Suggest you try it out post the .9 upgrade.

We are currently testing 1.8. I will look into the upgrade.


@Vinaykamboj Did you ever find a solution to this? i am running 2021.2.5 and i believe i am experiencing the same print preview issue as you are/were.

2021.2.12 and the same issue for us.

Did you resolve Crystal printing from your Kinetic Browser?

We are running the 2022.2.13 version and having this issue present.

We have installed the Edge Agent since it was suggested but no, it is still not working.

Weird thing here is that if we have an epicor desktop client open and request a report preview or even print a report directly from the kinetic browser screen it will pop up and open the up in the pdf default viewer.

Any suggestions?

did you check the logs on your edge agent? Is it really running and functional?


yes, it is. As a matter of fact, if I just click print and since I have no printers but the Microsoft PDF printer setup in my laptop, I got the save as prompt everytime, which was not happening without the agent, the main issue is only with the print preview.

Have you tried using an incognito browser window or clearing browser cache?

yes, I have tried that in multiple browsers… I’m starting to think that it might be an issue with kinetic itself…