Sales Kit Question

I have a question about Sales Kits. Can the qty for the parent show the total component parts? For instance, I have set up tiers based on the number of trucks. Each Tier has separate pricing 1-500 = 1.80/truck 501-1000 = 1.75, 1001-1500 = 1.70, 1501+ = 1.65 for stance. I would like to the qty to be whatever the tiers add up to. So if there were 1660 trucks I want that to be the qty for the parent. Right now it works fine tiers add up to the correct pricing but the parent quantity shows 1. If it can’t be done, then we resort to putting information in the line information. I also thought about adding a UD Field and let the billing person use that as the total and then suppress the normal qty field. Does any of that make sense?


I am a little confused with your question. Are you using a price break/quantity discount? I am not sure where the sales kit comes in. Sales Kits are typically set up with a method of manufacturing (BOM) and then put on the Sales Order creating demand for all the materials on the BOM for the sales kit.

Please define the term “tier” as you are using it. If you want price breaks, I think you want to be using Price Lists…


@djo, It’s a combination of both. Certain customers have price breaks. But the pricing is set by the number of widgets. For example:

Sale Kit 1 is made up of several price breaks or Tiers. For the first Tier up to 500 widgets they are charged $1.00, The Next Tier of pricing is for the next 500 widgets at $ 0.75, Tier Three Pricing is for the next 1001+ widgets is $ .0.50.

Sales Kit 1
Price Tier 1 (1-500) = $1.00
Price Tier 2 (501 - 1000) = $0.75
Price Tier 3 (1001+) = $0.50

Each of the Price Tiers are set up as a part and are assigned to Sales Kit 1. This pricing is what I call standard. If a customer has a different scale, then using price list, we adjust the pricing. for example $0.90, $0.60, & $0.45 for those parts within Sales Kit 1.

I cannot necessarily do price breaks only because I need to show the entire sales amount on one line. So the line shows up as this on the invoice:

Sales Kit 1 QTY 1 Price $875.50

I originally had the components of the Sales Kit suppressed but now they want to show the break out and the total qty with the Kit. Does that clarify it a bit?

That’s a bit better.

So for your Sales Kit 1, do you have Part A, Part B and Part C making up that Kit and you want the qty for Sales Kit 1 to equal the sum of Part A, B, and C?

If yes, then you will probably want the UD field for the qty.

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Yes Sales Kit 1 is the Sum of all parts. I thought I was going to have to do a UD field just wanted a consensus of the right way to go about it. I’m start working on it and see if I can get it to work.

Thanks for the reply.


@djo, I can create an UD field no problem but what if I want to have that field calculate the QTY based on the inputs in the sales kit, not freeform. Can that be done?

I consider myself a mere mortal when it comes to this type of thing. My superpowers lay elsewhere. But, I have a thought that maybe you could create a BPM that calculates the sum and places into the UD field. BPM on OrderDtl looking at KitFlag = P and then calculating the other fields like KitParentLine KitQtyPer, etc.

Like I said, I am not the one to do it, but I think it can be done.

Good Luck!

That what A friend of mine suggested. I’ll research it some more. Surely someone has done it, either through a BPM or calculation.