Quick (I hope) question about the salesperson workbench. We are looking at using CRM (we have it, just haven’t used it yet). It is very important that our salespeople see only the leads/quotes/orders etc. in their own territory. Here’s the rub…
The transaction territory is determined by the Ship-To address, not the customer home (billing) address. So if Customer 1, located in TX, places an order that is shipped to PA, it’s the PA salesperson who gets credit, not the TX salesperson. If Customer 1 has two possible leads, one for delivery in PA, the other for delivery in TX, each salesperson will see only one lead.
The Salesperson workbench seems to evaluate access to customers based on the territory of the customer’s home office. Is there any easy way to limit what the leads/orders/quotes a user can see based on Ship-To address rather than customer home office address?
Ship to addresses can have their territory locked to the SOLD TO address, OR they can be independent based on their location. I believe if you are talking about shipto, then you must have each sold to as a separate territory.
I am fairly certain that if you have sales orders in two different territories, and you don’t allow the sales persons to see in other territories, that it your description is accurate… the orders will be hidden.
You CAN allow salespersons (Workforce) to be “Authorized users” of each other, and then they can see each others orders… but that defeats the security restrictions.
More questions… I have created a scenario which should limit what the user sees, but does not. Here goes…
UserID: dctest01
UserID dctest01 is default authorized user on workforce RSM03
There are no other authorized users of RSM03
View all Territories is UNCHECKED
View Company Pipeline is UNCHECKED
Work force RSM03 is the Primary rep on territories 65,69,72 and 75.
Work force RSM03 is a salesperson on territory 79.
So when user dctest01 logs in and goes to the Salesperson workbench, he can retrieve all orders, quotes, etc. He is not limited by those in his territories.
Is there some other place that we can restrict what the userID sees in the Salesperson WB?