PEter, In step 3 below, you indicate that when you issue the materials, it does the proper inventory reduction then- does the trans code show STK-MTL?
In Step 5 below, what additional step/paperwork do you issue when doing the shipping step to the subcontract supplier. -do you generate the shipment entry to subcontractor?
Also when you receive from P.O. I am assuming that you don't go through Inspection Processing -if you do then make sure that you receive complete or issue complete in Inspection Processing queue on these materials.
You also indicate that you close the job. Are you creating the jobs simply to stock/replenish this finished good to inventory?. Is this where you are seeing the error.
Or will this material fulfill an operational step in another job? (this gets tricky).
I'm still not clear where you don't
One suggestion to test out-in your test instance, as you do each of these steps, its a good thought to track the actual transaction type code-I right mouse click on the part in the job, P.O, receipt entry etc. and select Part Transaction History Tracker and click on Retrieve which shows me transaction code and running qty detail. Then identify where the expected transaction to replenish your inventory by the running qty incrementing is NOT occurring.
Pete Horner <
phornerjr@...> wrote:
I think I've figured out the process for subcontract shipments. Here is the process that I'm using;
1. Create Job for Finished Sub-contract part
2. add the subcontract operation & materials to the job
3. Issue the raw materials to job (this step removes from inventory/bin.
4. Creat a PO for subcontract operation
5. ship to subcontractor
6. Do a PO receipt when parts returned from supplier
7. Receive completed parts to inventory
8. Close job created in step #1 above.
this process relieves inventory and enables me to track goods out/sent to subcontractors.
rsnsfi@...> wrote: Peter, Are you issuing material to the subcontract job (a child job set up to connect to the parent job operation). We are running 8.00.810b and have been doing doing sub-contract shipments and receipts all the time and makes up about 90% of our manufacturing process. One of the problems we've encountered is the packing slip that we use when doing for shipments to the subcontractor that will not allow us to list the materials that we issue to the subcontract job but rather the finished expected material back.
Can you lay out your process step by step so I understand why you are encountering this problem.
Michael McWilliams <
mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
Are you trying to ship it out one part and then receive it in as
--- In, Pete Horner <phornerjr@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> does anyone do subcontract shipments ? I'm having difficulty
getting shipments to deduct from inventory whse/bin. I am confused
at to whether I should be shipping the parent or raw (virgin) part to
the subcontractor.
> Have talked with tech support on this and am getting nowhere.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Pete Horner
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