We are live and want to actually see tranasactions move through Tax Connect in BOTH environments. My main company has to be active - that's live. Your method really only has one company live at a time - in my case I need them both.
From my research Epicor doesn't have a good solution for this.
Thanks for the feedback.
From my research Epicor doesn't have a good solution for this.
Thanks for the feedback.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "jendmp" <jmesiano@...> wrote:
> This is what I did....
> You will need an independent test server!
> 1. Create your main company in Avalara and leave it inactive.
> 2. Create a test company in Avalara with the same company ID as the parent. Activate this company. Copy all permissions from main company.
> 3. On your test server, copy over your live database. You'll be working within your production company (if multicompany).
> 4. Setup Avalara in Company maint on your test server.
> 5. Your test server will now be linked to your test company in Avalara.
> When you are ready to go live, inactivate the test company in Avalara and activate the parent company. Setup Avalara on your live server and flip the switch.
> Or you can pay Avalara to have 2 independent companies...:-)
> Just remember that any transactions done in the test company will count against your alloted invoices for the year.
> Clear as mud right?
> Call me if you need help
> 210-933-1415
> Jennifer Mesiano
> Walton Signage
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "djojmis" <dougo@> wrote:
> >
> > This sounds all too familiar to me. We just implemented Tax Connect last year and this was our biggest stumbling block. Epicor promised to sort this out with Avalara; looks like it is still a sticking point. We managed to get the development access for free during implementation, but now they want money for it so we are just using our live connection. We have no sandbox with which to play.
> >
> > From what I remember it is pay for the development access or change your CompanyID.
> >
> > Doug Oswald
> > MIS
> >