Backflush Location

Currently when we backflush, Epicor does so from the location ‘Assign’. We’d like to change it to do so from the Primary Location. Where is the setting for that?

Tim K

Check in Site Configuration


Search the Online help for " Material Backflush Hierarchy for Job Closing Process"


"Material Backflush Hierarchy for Labor Entry Process "

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Check whether you have assigned backflush warehouse/bin in Resource/Resource Group. If you remove that, then the system will pick from Primary Bin of the warehouse in the Job Material. If Primary Bin is blank, it will pick from the first stock available bin in the warehouse. Else first bin.

What @ckrusen said!

Backflushing inside Epicor can be very confusing. We have spent a lot of time understanding the process Epicor uses for backflushing. You would think you could override system setting at the job level but that is not the case when backflushing. Take a look at the attached document. I feel it will help you understand how Epicor selects what location it will backflush an item from. The logic can take a moment or two to wrap your head around.

Backflush Hierarchy.pdf (381.8 KB)


Rick … This is very helpful. Thx.

Your welcome, I hope it helps since there is a few checks going on to determine where backflush will pull inventory from. We used a consultant to establish the hierarchy since Epicor helps was a bit challenging.

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Hello, this is extremely helpful, am I reading this correctly that the only way to have material pull directly from the part’s primary bin location is to ensure that all the input and backflush options are not specified?

Thank you,

Just the Backflush Warehouse on the Resource Group. Input and Output are ok to leave in place.

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